
/Tag: Hiring

How to Place Your Staff in Their Ideal Places in 3 Easy Steps

2021-02-16T06:58:56-07:00 February 16th, 2021|Categories: Fully Functioning Team Plan, DISC and Office Roles, DISC and Hiring|Tags: , , , , |

Look around at your staff - are they each working in their best possible roles? Are they doing the tasks that truly fit how they are designed? Or are you trying to fit some square pegs into round holes? Are you asking your staff to adapt to responsibilities that don't fit them at all? My last [...]

What Style Combinations Work Best for Specific Office Roles?

2021-02-09T06:45:08-07:00 February 9th, 2021|Categories: Fully Functioning Team Plan, DISC and Office Roles|Tags: , , , |

I think we would all agree that one of our main goals in our office is to build a fully functioning team that serves our patients well. We've discussed the huge benefits in previous posts: Personal satisfaction for team members Everyone can succeed Minimal turnover Minimal rehiring and retraining costs Much less stress on everyone Years [...]

A Fully Functioning Team: Do You Want to Get It DONE in 2021?

2020-12-29T12:23:27-07:00 December 29th, 2020|Categories: Fully Functioning Team Plan|Tags: , , , |

Would you like this to be the year you go beyond wishing to minimize turnover in your office? Instead- you actually meet the goal of saving yourself the stress and money loss of repeated re-hirings and re-trainings? I want to offer you an excellent, tried-and-true process. I love new beginnings, fresh starts, being able to hit [...]

What is the Next Step in DISC Basics?

2021-02-01T16:54:38-07:00 December 8th, 2020|Categories: DISC Basics, DISC and Hiring|Tags: , |

Last week, I introduced just the tip of the iceberg regarding the DISC Styles. Let's get to know these Styles a bit better this week. I think we would all agree - each person is unique. But somehow when it comes to hiring and placing people in our staff positions in our office, we think if [...]