DISC and Offices

/DISC and Offices
DISC and Offices 2022-05-31T05:52:17-06:00

Create Strong Teams Who Want to Stay

Heart of the Matter’s most important work is in helping organizations develop a sense of belonging for everyone in their work environment. Our mantra “Ideal Person in the Ideal Place” was developed over decades of experience with orthodontic practices and faith-based organizations who needed to hire employees well-suited for the available positions, and then happily retain them.

The time and effort involved in hiring the ‘right’ person for a job can be incredibly time consuming, challenging, and expensive.

I’ve written a short e-book on “How to Minimize Turnover: 5 Steps to a Fully Functioning Team Who Want to Stay” that covers:

  • Understanding the DISC Basics
  • Learning the best DISC Combinations for each Office role
  • Making needed adjustments with the current staff
  • Utilizing the best Hiring Procedures for additional staff
  • Following several keys to keeping staff for the long haul

To get your copy, just click on the button below.

YES! I need the “How to Minimize Turnover E-book!