I publish a blogpost once a week on some aspect of the DISC System and its application in professional practices or its usefulness for individuals and families. My goal is to provide enough information to make a difference in your office and your life; to share what I have found to be successful so you can put your new-found learning into your personal and professional practice immediately.
Then I share the information in those blogposts in a weekly email sent directly to those on my subscriber list. If you would like to receive these weekly emails, just click on the button below.
Recent Posts
Adult D-Style and Teen S-Style: Remember and Respect Their Tender Heart
Did you ever give a teen instructions or feedback, then suddenly, [...]
Adult D-Style and Teen I-Style: Keep the Relationship a Top Priority
You, as an adult, know the importance of taking care of [...]
How Can You Use the DISC System to Best Relate as an Adult to a Teen?
Are you concerned about the upcoming teen years with your child? [...]