Office Responsibilities

/Office Responsibilities

Are You Guilty of Making These Common Assumptions About Your Staff?

2023-04-10T17:07:11-06:00 April 11th, 2023|Categories: Office Staffing, DISC and Turnover, Office Responsibilities, Office Challenges, DISC and Office Roles, DISC and Hiring|Tags: , , , , , |

Can our assumptions have a powerful impact on Minimizing Turnover? Indeed, YES! Last week, we talked about the weight of responsibility we have to place our staff in their best roles in the office. This week, I want to touch on several assumptions we tend to make in that regard and how these assumptions especially affect [...]

The Responsibility for a Fully Functioning Team Falls on Our Shoulders

2023-04-03T16:28:29-06:00 April 4th, 2023|Categories: Fully Functioning Team Plan, Office Staffing, Office Responsibilities|Tags: , , |

As we talk about the goal to Minimize Turnover by developing a Fully Functioning Team, we need to talk briefly about the responsibility that is ours if we have staff working for us. This struck home for us early in our practice years, when it was just my orthodontist husband and me running the practice. (FYI [...]