Be Who You Are

/Be Who You Are

HELP! I’m Struggling as a “Squelchee” Stuck in a Box!

2021-08-23T14:07:06-06:00 August 24th, 2021|Categories: Be Who You Are|Tags: |

I'm watching a football game with my dad... and realize the excellent example it is of what is means to struggle as a "squelchee". There they are, trying to play the position they are designed for, while all these other players are trying their hardest to keep them from making any progress. When I realize I [...]

How to Know If I Am Being a Dreaded “Style Squelcher”

2021-08-16T06:34:38-06:00 August 17th, 2021|Categories: Be Who You Are|Tags: , |

This hits home because I realize too often THIS IS ME! Yikes! Nearly 49 years ago, when I first met my husband, I had never spent much time around anyone who was a VHDS (Very High D-Style). And he had never spent much time around anyone whose VHIS (Very High I-Style) was nearly at the top [...]

How Critically Important it is to Be Who You Are

2021-08-09T21:51:30-06:00 August 10th, 2021|Categories: Be Who You Are|Tags: |

In my workshop presentation, after we discuss the DISC Style Basics, I include a part that starts with "Be Who You Are". As I wrote last week's blogpost about Letting My High I-Style Fun Part Out, I wanted to follow it up with a few weeks talking about the importance of being who you are, and [...]