
/Tag: Hiring

Six Pitfalls that are Critically Important to Avoid When Hiring

2023-05-15T10:03:06-06:00 May 16th, 2023|Categories: Office Challenges, Office Staffing, DISC and Hiring|Tags: , , , |

In the process of finding a Great Hire, it is actually possible to do all the Advanced Preparation, Design an Ad that is exactly on point, Conduct the Interviews in a wise and excellent way, and still end up FALLING INTO A TRAP! Then instead of having the ideal person for your new staff, you have [...]

The Interviews – The Essential Culminating Key to a Successful Hire

2023-05-08T16:45:08-06:00 May 9th, 2023|Categories: Office Staffing, DISC and Hiring|Tags: , , |

In pursuing our pervasive goal to Minimize Turnover, we are discussing the “Best Hiring Process” that we developed in our 30+ years of having an orthodontic practice. So far, we have covered the essential step of Advanced Preparation (see “Advanced Preparation - One of the Keys to a Successful Hire”). Then last week, we described how [...]

Design Your Best Ad – The Next Critical Key to a Successful Hire

2023-05-02T12:34:36-06:00 May 2nd, 2023|Categories: Fully Functioning Team Plan, Office Staffing, DISC and Turnover, DISC and Hiring|Tags: , , , |

In our goal to Minimize Turnover, we are looking at the Best Hiring Process that we developed over 30 years in our orthodontic practice. I cannot say enough about the difference it made to use this clear step-by-step process that resulted in having staff who were in the roles they were best designed to do. The [...]

Advanced Preparation – One of the Keys to a Successful Hire

2023-04-24T16:38:50-06:00 April 25th, 2023|Categories: DISC and Office Roles, DISC and Hiring|Tags: , , |

As we discuss the Best Hiring Process, one of the keys to its success is the Advanced Preparation. This was what was missing in our first disastrous hires in our orthodontic practice. But once we started doing this preparation, it turned into a streamlined process. So before you blindly hire someone just to get “extra help”, [...]

Our Clear-Steps-Low-Hassle-Best-Results-Guaranteed Hiring Process

2023-04-18T09:00:32-06:00 April 18th, 2023|Categories: DISC and Hiring|Tags: |

As we pursue our goal to Minimize Turnover, we’ve looked at the weight of responsibility we carry to make sure each of our staff are in the appropriate role that fits their natural DISC Style and design. Then we discussed several assumptions it is easy to have about our staff. Just click on www.idealpersonidealplace.com/blog to access them. [...]

Are You Guilty of Making These Common Assumptions About Your Staff?

2023-04-10T17:07:11-06:00 April 11th, 2023|Categories: DISC and Turnover, Office Responsibilities, Office Challenges, Office Staffing, DISC and Office Roles, DISC and Hiring|Tags: , , , , , |

Can our assumptions have a powerful impact on Minimizing Turnover? Indeed, YES! Last week, we talked about the weight of responsibility we have to place our staff in their best roles in the office. This week, I want to touch on several assumptions we tend to make in that regard and how these assumptions especially affect [...]