Magic Key

/Tag: Magic Key

Please Don’t Make Me Go Back to That Annoying Frustrating Job Again!!

2023-03-13T19:35:34-06:00 March 14th, 2023|Categories: Office Staffing, DISC and Turnover, DISC Basics, DISC and Office Roles|Tags: , , , , |

Our 13-year-old daughter came into the kitchen one day announcing, “If I have to go back there again, I’m going to lose my mind!!” She wasn’t talking about going to school, or even to church, but about working in our orthodontic office! She has always been a high-energy person, thrives on having lots of plates spinning [...]

Would You Rather Be in Charge or Find a Way to Add Fun?

2023-02-20T14:22:35-07:00 February 21st, 2023|Categories: DISC and Turnover, DISC Basics|Tags: , , , |

An essential Key to Minimizing Turnover is understanding how you, as well as each person you work with, are designed, then giving them roles and responsibilities that fit that design. The story I shared in the last couple blogposts was a great example of the importance of understanding people’s design in order to put them in [...]

No Need to Lose Your Mind – Welcome to Your Best Role in Our Office!

2023-02-13T12:26:46-07:00 February 14th, 2023|Categories: Office Staffing, DISC and Turnover, DISC Basics|Tags: , , |

Last week, I shared the story of our eldest losing her mind in our office. I also went over the basics of the DISC System.  This is the foundation and the Key for our process to Minimize Turnover. If you missed this blogpost and want to read it, just click here: “How Do You Keep Your [...]

A Fully Functioning Team: Do You Want to Get It DONE in 2021?

2020-12-29T12:23:27-07:00 December 29th, 2020|Categories: Fully Functioning Team Plan|Tags: , , , |

Would you like this to be the year you go beyond wishing to minimize turnover in your office? Instead- you actually meet the goal of saving yourself the stress and money loss of repeated re-hirings and re-trainings? I want to offer you an excellent, tried-and-true process. I love new beginnings, fresh starts, being able to hit [...]

So What is the Big WHY?

2020-11-24T14:36:55-07:00 November 24th, 2020|Categories: Office Challenges|Tags: , , , |

As we begin to tackle our goal to have a Fully Functioning Team in our office and to overcome the Villain of Turnover, I think it is extremely valuable to look at the Big WHY. WHY should we give time and attention to learn how to put the Ideal Person in the Ideal Place? Does it [...]

Are there MORE Difficult Challenges to Staffing My Practice?

2020-12-26T23:28:52-07:00 November 23rd, 2020|Categories: Office Challenges|Tags: , |

I'm afraid I have to answer, "Yes!" In our world of needing staff, there are several more critical questions to figure out how to answer. When my husband went through orthodontic school, he got an outstanding education in technical training by some of the best instructors in the country. Then because we had friends who were [...]