Ideal Person Ideal Place Blog

/Ideal Person Ideal Place Blog/

DISC Styles and Being Stressed Out – How are They Unique?

2021-02-01T16:59:02-07:00 December 15th, 2020|Categories: DISC and Stress|Tags: , |

First, let me say emphatically that I DELIGHT in Christmas! But between our relentless COVID-19 foe and our often-unrealistic expectations of Christmas, there seems to be an inordinate amount of stress in people's lives this year. Just check in with FaceBook or Twitter to see strong emotions and frustrations spilling out of folks everywhere! I know [...]

What is the Next Step in DISC Basics?

2021-02-01T16:54:38-07:00 December 8th, 2020|Categories: DISC Basics, DISC and Hiring|Tags: , |

Last week, I introduced just the tip of the iceberg regarding the DISC Styles. Let's get to know these Styles a bit better this week. I think we would all agree - each person is unique. But somehow when it comes to hiring and placing people in our staff positions in our office, we think if [...]

If There is One Magic Key, What Does It Unlock?

2021-02-01T16:17:31-07:00 December 1st, 2020|Categories: DISC Basics|Tags: |

My first three blogposts focused on the challenges we face as dental professionals regarding staffing our practices. Now I want to start answering the questions I posed. If there is One Magic Key to dealing with hiring and turnover and creating teams who want to stay for the long haul, what is that Key and what does [...]

So What is the Big WHY?

2020-11-24T14:36:55-07:00 November 24th, 2020|Categories: Office Challenges|Tags: , , , |

As we begin to tackle our goal to have a Fully Functioning Team in our office and to overcome the Villain of Turnover, I think it is extremely valuable to look at the Big WHY. WHY should we give time and attention to learn how to put the Ideal Person in the Ideal Place? Does it [...]

Are there MORE Difficult Challenges to Staffing My Practice?

2020-12-26T23:28:52-07:00 November 23rd, 2020|Categories: Office Challenges|Tags: , |

I'm afraid I have to answer, "Yes!" In our world of needing staff, there are several more critical questions to figure out how to answer. When my husband went through orthodontic school, he got an outstanding education in technical training by some of the best instructors in the country. Then because we had friends who were [...]

What is the Relentless Challenge We Share as Dental Professionals?

2020-11-20T17:24:17-07:00 November 20th, 2020|Categories: Office Challenges|Tags: , , |

  Regardless of how long we have been in practice, as dental professionals we have a constant, relentless challenge that demands to be dealt with... or else. In many ways, it is similar to being in a raft together, straining on our paddles as we plunge through the white-water rapids. Refusing to contend with this challenge [...]