Ideal Person Ideal Place Blog

/Ideal Person Ideal Place Blog/

How Do You Keep Your Staff From Losing Their Minds in Your Office?

2023-02-12T14:57:37-07:00 February 7th, 2023|Categories: DISC and Turnover, DISC Basics, DISC and Office Roles|Tags: , , |

"I just can’t take it anymore! If I have to go back there, I’m going to lose my mind!!” This was a direct quote from our eldest daughter when she was around thirteen years old. She was (and still is) our super high energy child, who loves lots of activity in her life and is renewed [...]

Are There More Challenges to Office Staffing Besides the Villain of Turnover?

2023-02-12T14:58:07-07:00 January 31st, 2023|Categories: Office Challenges, Office Staffing, DISC and Turnover|Tags: , , |

I’m afraid I have to answer, “Yes!” In this world of needing staff, there are several more critical questions to figure out how to answer. When my husband went through orthodontic school, he got an outstanding education in technical training by some of the best instructors in the country. Then because we had friends who were [...]

Is There Hope to Deal with the Villain of Office Turnover?

2023-02-12T14:58:30-07:00 January 24th, 2023|Categories: Office Challenges, DISC and Turnover|Tags: , |

Is turnover a constant hassle in your office, costing you stress, time and too much expense? Is the looming challenge of yet another hiring process keeping you awake at night? Do you struggle to fit your staff into the best roles in your office? In our early years of having an orthodontic practice, we made mistake [...]

How to Vanquish the Villain of Turnover This Year!

2023-02-12T14:58:57-07:00 January 17th, 2023|Categories: Orthodontic Profession, New Year, DISC and Turnover, Office Challenges|Tags: , , |

Would you like to make 2023 the year when you Vanquish the Villain of Turnover in your office? I’m excited to share the keys and the process we used in our office for over thirty years that resulted in long-term staff who were fulfilled in their roles and committed to staying in our practice over time. [...]

2023 – The Year to Minimize Turnover in Your Office

2023-02-12T14:59:24-07:00 January 10th, 2023|Categories: Orthodontic Profession, DISC and Turnover, DISC and Hiring|Tags: , , |

As I shared last week, it has been a most unusual start to the New Year - a once-in-a-lifetime start without our Patriarch at the helm. But I am looking forward to writing another year of blogposts and emails. As a reminder, both to you and to me, my goal is “to publish a blogpost once [...]

A Most Unusual New Year as I Say Goodbye for Now to my Dad

2023-01-04T06:56:50-07:00 January 3rd, 2023|Categories: New Year|Tags: , |

I’ve been sitting quietly by my dear Daddy’s bedside as he transitions from this life to the next. Singing to him, praying over him, sharing my thanks and love. It has been a good time to reflect on his 98 years and the amazing and delightful growing-up life he and Mom provided for me and my [...]