Office Roles

/Tag: Office Roles

Please Don’t Make Me Go Back to That Annoying Frustrating Job Again!!

2023-03-13T19:35:34-06:00 March 14th, 2023|Categories: Office Staffing, DISC and Turnover, DISC Basics, DISC and Office Roles|Tags: , , , , |

Our 13-year-old daughter came into the kitchen one day announcing, “If I have to go back there again, I’m going to lose my mind!!” She wasn’t talking about going to school, or even to church, but about working in our orthodontic office! She has always been a high-energy person, thrives on having lots of plates spinning [...]

Would You Rather Patiently Focus on People or Design a System that Works?

2023-02-27T11:32:39-07:00 February 28th, 2023|Categories: Fully Functioning Team Plan, Office Staffing, DISC Basics, DISC and Office Roles|Tags: , , |

An essential Key to Minimizing Turnover is understanding how you, as well as each person you work with, are designed, then giving all of you the roles and responsibilities that fit that design. For over 30 years, we used the DISC System in our orthodontic office to accomplish this goal beautifully. Last week, we focused on [...]

How Do You Keep Your Staff From Losing Their Minds in Your Office?

2023-02-12T14:57:37-07:00 February 7th, 2023|Categories: DISC and Turnover, DISC Basics, DISC and Office Roles|Tags: , , |

"I just can’t take it anymore! If I have to go back there, I’m going to lose my mind!!” This was a direct quote from our eldest daughter when she was around thirteen years old. She was (and still is) our super high energy child, who loves lots of activity in her life and is renewed [...]

2023 – The Year to Minimize Turnover in Your Office

2023-02-12T14:59:24-07:00 January 10th, 2023|Categories: Orthodontic Profession, DISC and Turnover, DISC and Hiring|Tags: , , |

As I shared last week, it has been a most unusual start to the New Year - a once-in-a-lifetime start without our Patriarch at the helm. But I am looking forward to writing another year of blogposts and emails. As a reminder, both to you and to me, my goal is “to publish a blogpost once [...]

How Do Ms. and Mr. Patient and Peaceful Prefer to Communicate?

2021-06-14T11:06:56-06:00 June 15th, 2021|Categories: DISC and Office Roles, DISC and Communication|Tags: , , |

Yes, indeed - the S-Style is usually a person you can sit and talk with for hours - comfortable, friendly, patient, usually a great listener and seems to know the right questions to ask to draw out a good conversation. In our orthodontic practice, we always tried to make sure our operatory was full of these [...]

So Where in the Square Peg Do I Need to Fit?

2021-02-23T05:55:26-07:00 February 23rd, 2021|Categories: DISC and Office Roles|Tags: , |

It is a true statement - every one of us is a SQUARE PEG! We are trying to figure out where and how we fit in this world; especially, for most of us, in the world of work. We want to know how much of our square corners do we need to shave off to fit [...]