Orthodontic Profession

/Orthodontic Profession

How to Vanquish the Villain of Turnover This Year!

2023-02-12T14:58:57-07:00 January 17th, 2023|Categories: Orthodontic Profession, New Year, DISC and Turnover, Office Challenges|Tags: , , |

Would you like to make 2023 the year when you Vanquish the Villain of Turnover in your office? I’m excited to share the keys and the process we used in our office for over thirty years that resulted in long-term staff who were fulfilled in their roles and committed to staying in our practice over time. [...]

2023 – The Year to Minimize Turnover in Your Office

2023-02-12T14:59:24-07:00 January 10th, 2023|Categories: Orthodontic Profession, DISC and Turnover, DISC and Hiring|Tags: , , |

As I shared last week, it has been a most unusual start to the New Year - a once-in-a-lifetime start without our Patriarch at the helm. But I am looking forward to writing another year of blogposts and emails. As a reminder, both to you and to me, my goal is “to publish a blogpost once [...]

How Can a D-Style Adult Best Relate With a Detail-Focused C-Style Teen?

2022-09-05T14:30:15-06:00 September 6th, 2022|Categories: Orthodontic Profession, Adult to Teen, DISC Basics|Tags: , , , |

Have you had this experience? You have a mound of suitcases, satchels, and various sizes of items that need to be packed into your car. As you stand eyeing the challenge, your teen steps up with a clear plan of how they will all fit, then proceeds to make it happen. This is the High C-Style [...]

Progress Report and Hooray! Adult to Child Series Starts Next Week!

2022-01-22T14:02:39-07:00 January 25th, 2022|Categories: Adult to Child, Orthodontic Profession|Tags: , |

"Progress" is one of the most important concepts in my life. When you have lots of Irons in the Fire (It can get so confusing that I even keep a monthly chart!), life has to be lived in bite-sized chunks. If I can make even an inch of progress in several different areas, it is a [...]

Yes, I’m Deeply Grateful for My Profession of Orthodontics

2021-11-20T22:40:28-07:00 November 23rd, 2021|Categories: Orthodontic Profession|Tags: |

I am interviewing a guest today - my husband, Galen. Beth: You've had the blessing to work in orthodontics for many years. I've often heard you say how deeply grateful you are for your profession - what specifically? Galen: I started in orthodontic school in May of 1974, started practicing orthodontics in May, 1976, then more [...]