
/Tag: Self-Renewal

What Could Be More Renewing than a Nice Comfy Nap – for a High S-Style?

2024-01-29T20:17:21-07:00 January 30th, 2024|Categories: DISC and Self-Renewal, DISC Basics|Tags: , |

As you may tend to do, I have a propensity to push myself, enjoy activities with family and friends, then try to get that one more item done on my ever-present To Do List... and keep going... and keep going... until I crash. As a review, the S-Style person is: Dependable Persistent Tender-hearted Slower paced Cooperative [...]

What Could Be More Renewing than a Neighborhood Get-together – for a High I-Style?

2024-01-22T16:31:38-07:00 January 23rd, 2024|Categories: DISC and Self-Renewal, DISC Basics|Tags: , |

I was thinking lately about the months of the “Stay at Home” season of dealing with COVID challenges. For this High I-Style who is renewed by fun and people time, I don’t think I realized the depth of the challenge this was to my well-being or how long it has taken me to recover. One thing [...]

What Could Be More Renewing than Mowing the Lawn – for a High D-Style?

2024-01-15T17:58:54-07:00 January 16th, 2024|Categories: DISC and Self-Renewal, DISC Basics|Tags: , |

This was a regular scenario at my house: Phone rings – it’s the neighbor – “Beth – your husband is out mowing the lawn AGAIN – the 3rd time this week! Tell him to stop!!” But I know it has been a stressful time at work and mowing the yard is a guaranteed way for him [...]

Take Time for Self-Renewal for Your Best Life

2024-01-06T07:52:03-07:00 January 9th, 2024|Categories: DISC and Self-Renewal, DISC Basics|Tags: , |

We all know the essential importance of caring well for ourselves and maintaining balance in our lives. A simple, yet effective way to achieve these goals is to make self-renewing a habit every day. The important thing to consider is that we are all so different - what renews one person can be a huge drain [...]

Summer Family Vacation Delights and Renewals

2023-07-29T06:20:55-06:00 August 1st, 2023|Categories: DISC and Self-Renewal, Summer Family Vacation|Tags: , , |

As I mentioned last week, I’m taking a break from my regular blogging and emails for two weeks to enjoy our Yearly Family Vacation. At some point in your life, I hope you have relished the fun of roasting marshmallows over an open fire, then taking that golden (or burnt) piece of ooey gooeyness, placing it [...]

Joy to the World – It’s Christmas Month!

2022-12-12T21:39:07-07:00 December 13th, 2022|Categories: Christmas, DISC and Self-Renewal|Tags: , |

It’s been quite a year for me - health challenges and then a great resolution of those challenges as I diligently followed the Whole30 Program. It was amazing to see the dizziness difficulties disappear. I also loved writing the blogposts on the DISC Adult to Child and Adult to Teen Series, sharing the Strengths, Struggles and [...]