New Year

/Tag: New Year

Rats and Double Rats! Struggling with Severe Dizziness!

2022-01-18T01:47:19-07:00 January 18th, 2022|Categories: New Year|Tags: |

Have you ever had a situation that completely "brought you to your knees" and immobilized you? I'm having unannounced but repeated episodes of severe dizziness that take me down, then out of commission. So this New Year is starting off very rocky for me. I have gotten permission from Dr. Charles Boyd's publisher to share a [...]

New Goals, New Plans and HOORAY for Permission to Start a New Addition!

2022-01-10T22:43:21-07:00 January 11th, 2022|Categories: New Year|Tags: , |

A most delightful and exciting New Year to you all. Hope your Holiday Celebrations were full of fun and family time. For me, as someone who is renewed by people time and music, I could literally feel my soul being nourished by each gathering and by the beautiful Christmas music. But how I missed writing!! So [...]

Happy New Year, Happy New Plans and Which Way Is Up?!

2022-01-03T17:16:07-07:00 January 4th, 2022|Categories: New Year|Tags: |

Indeed a Most Happy New Year to you. But it is definitely a "Which Way Is Up" time for me. We just returned home from a 3-way trip - thankful for all the safe travel, but especially for all the eyeball-to-eyeball time we had with dear ones. We can FaceTime, chat, message, and talk on the [...]