DISC Styles

/Tag: DISC Styles

I am SO EXCITED to Listen to You that I Can’t Stop Talking!

2021-10-04T19:38:03-06:00 October 5th, 2021|Categories: DISC and Communication|Tags: , , |

It's not hard to picture a High I-Style person. They have boundless energy and enthusiasm, usually with lots of ideas and persuasion to go with it. But listening well may not be their strong suit. We've looked at how C-Style and S-Style folks tend to listen. In keeping with "working backwards" through the DISC Styles, this [...]

How an S-Style Patiently Listens – If Only We Knew What They Were Thinking!

2021-09-27T08:45:06-06:00 September 28th, 2021|Categories: DISC and Communication|Tags: , , |

Last week, we looked at how a C-Style tends to listen. In keeping with "working backwards" through the DISC Styles, this week we'll review the S-Style's listening tendencies. Always, as this picture says, it is a good goal to "Speak Less, Listen More". But for a high S-Style, it is their deep conviction. Because the S-Style [...]

Do You Hear What I Hear? Actually, I Hear Better!

2021-09-20T10:28:11-06:00 September 21st, 2021|Categories: DISC and Communication|Tags: , |

Back on June 22, 2021, I shared how the C-Style prefers to communicate in the blogpost, "Can We Talk About the Numbers and Details, Please?!" There is another important side to this communication coin - Listening Skills. Recently, Extended DISC of North America did a valuable webinar on the Listening Skills of each DISC Style. As [...]

How Does an Adult and a Child Express Their Unique DISC Styles?

2021-09-06T16:25:48-06:00 September 7th, 2021|Categories: Adult to Child|Tags: , |

As I mentioned in last week's blogpost, How Each DISC Style Best Relates Adult to Child, the graphs for our DISC Styles for my husband and me are exact opposites. Then we had three children who were each a unique combination of the two of us. Over the years, we learned lots of valuable lessons on [...]

How to Know If I Am Being a Dreaded “Style Squelcher”

2021-08-16T06:34:38-06:00 August 17th, 2021|Categories: Be Who You Are|Tags: , |

This hits home because I realize too often THIS IS ME! Yikes! Nearly 49 years ago, when I first met my husband, I had never spent much time around anyone who was a VHDS (Very High D-Style). And he had never spent much time around anyone whose VHIS (Very High I-Style) was nearly at the top [...]

A Surprising and Insightful Experience that Let My Fun Side Out

2021-08-02T19:21:00-06:00 August 3rd, 2021|Categories: DISC Basics|Tags: |

Have you ever had an experience that so surprised you - and gave you such valuable insight about yourself - that it was a pivotal moment in your life? This last week revealed one of those days for me. We were in Estes Park, Colorado. A member of my extended family, who is an Ironman Competitor, [...]