
/Tag: Communication

How Can a D-Style Adult Best Relate With a Detail-Focused C-Style Teen?

2022-09-05T14:30:15-06:00 September 6th, 2022|Categories: Orthodontic Profession, Adult to Teen, DISC Basics|Tags: , , , |

Have you had this experience? You have a mound of suitcases, satchels, and various sizes of items that need to be packed into your car. As you stand eyeing the challenge, your teen steps up with a clear plan of how they will all fit, then proceeds to make it happen. This is the High C-Style [...]

How a High D-Style Adult Can Best Relate With a Tender-Hearted S-Style Teen

2022-08-29T14:56:34-06:00 August 30th, 2022|Categories: Adult to Teen, DISC Basics|Tags: , , , , |

As we seek as adults to relate well with teens, whether they are in our family, our church group, or our practice, we can use the DISC System to give us another layer of understanding and strategies. As we go through the Adult to Teen DISC Series, the combination we will discuss this week is the [...]

Just When I Thought I Had Teenagers Figured Out, the Next One is Totally Different!

2022-08-08T07:58:53-06:00 August 9th, 2022|Categories: Adult to Teen, DISC Basics|Tags: , , |

Perhaps you’ve had the experience of figuring out what works the best when relating to your first “child to become a teen”, or to several teens in your practice. Then along comes the next teen, or the next group of patients, and they respond completely differently. Our family included a wide variety of DISC Combinations. The [...]

How Can You Best Relate as an Adult to a Teen?

2022-08-01T13:54:54-06:00 August 2nd, 2022|Categories: Adult to Teen, DISC Basics|Tags: , , , |

Are you concerned about the upcoming teen years with your child? Or do the teens you work with baffle you? Do you want to do all you can to improve your relationship with your teen? This period in a teen’s growth is amazing! They are developing into a mature adult, ready to take on adult responsibilities. [...]

Can’t Stop to Chat, Now… I Need Self-Renewing Quiet Time Reading!

2022-07-12T15:21:31-06:00 July 12th, 2022|Categories: DISC and Self-Renewal, DISC Basics|Tags: , , , , , , |

Most of us, at any age, are involved in daily activities that require lots of interaction - whether it is in an office, school, job, activities, etc. For the High C-Style person, this can be very draining. As a reminder, the C-Style person tends to be: Precise Conscientious Systematic Slower paced Task-oriented A lover of details [...]

Tips that will Make Your Reluctant Reader Fall in Love with Books This Summer

2022-06-13T16:24:52-06:00 June 14th, 2022|Categories: Adult to Child, Summer Preparation, Continued Learning|Tags: , , , , |

Are you concerned about your reluctant reader? Afraid they will fall even further behind this summer? Here are some tried and true, experience-proven, successful tips to help your reluctant reader fall in love with books. These suggestions will motivate your reluctant reader and be a delight for you to implement as well. We had a reluctant [...]