
/Tag: Communication

What You Say Is What You’ll Get – So Choose Praise

2021-11-08T18:41:50-07:00 November 9th, 2021|Categories: Adult to Child|Tags: , |

Perhaps you've heard this phrase, "What you say is what you'll get." I'm not sure where I first heard it - probably from a parenting book - but I've certainly found it to be absolutely true! Whether those words are directed at a son or daughter, or one of your students, or one of your patients, [...]

Am I a Positive Mirror to the Children in My Life?

2021-11-15T16:30:21-07:00 November 2nd, 2021|Categories: Adult to Child|Tags: , |

While I wait for permission to share more about how DISC Styles influence adult/child interactions, there are a few critically important adult/child lessons I've learned over many years of parenting and teaching that are worth sharing here. The first is the concept of being a Positive Mirror. Our youngest child, a son, followed two older sisters, who [...]

What If You Could Wave a Magic Wand Over Listening Skills?

2021-10-19T12:22:21-06:00 October 19th, 2021|Categories: DISC and Communication|Tags: , |

Have you ever wanted to have a special power, just for a few minutes, to be able to deal with a nagging challenge or problem? Though I'm not a fan of magic [I'm a much bigger fan of prayer, learning and effort], it is fascinating to think about the possibilities. I have learned a lot going [...]

YES! I’m Listening… It Just Sounds Like I’m Doing All the Talking

2021-10-11T11:11:55-06:00 October 12th, 2021|Categories: DISC and Communication|Tags: , , |

It is easy to spot a High D-Style person. Their take-charge approach, along with their strong decisive drive and energy get a lot accomplished. But similar to the I-Style folks, listening well may not be their strong suit. In fact, listening is often one of their biggest challenges. We've looked at how the C-Styles, S-Styles and [...]

I am SO EXCITED to Listen to You that I Can’t Stop Talking!

2021-10-04T19:38:03-06:00 October 5th, 2021|Categories: DISC and Communication|Tags: , , |

It's not hard to picture a High I-Style person. They have boundless energy and enthusiasm, usually with lots of ideas and persuasion to go with it. But listening well may not be their strong suit. We've looked at how C-Style and S-Style folks tend to listen. In keeping with "working backwards" through the DISC Styles, this [...]

How an S-Style Patiently Listens – If Only We Knew What They Were Thinking!

2021-09-27T08:45:06-06:00 September 28th, 2021|Categories: DISC and Communication|Tags: , , |

Last week, we looked at how a C-Style tends to listen. In keeping with "working backwards" through the DISC Styles, this week we'll review the S-Style's listening tendencies. Always, as this picture says, it is a good goal to "Speak Less, Listen More". But for a high S-Style, it is their deep conviction. Because the S-Style [...]