Adult to Child

/Tag: Adult to Child

How Does an Adult and a Child Express Their Unique DISC Styles?

2021-09-06T16:25:48-06:00 September 7th, 2021|Categories: Adult to Child|Tags: , |

As I mentioned in last week's blogpost, How Each DISC Style Best Relates Adult to Child, the graphs for our DISC Styles for my husband and me are exact opposites. Then we had three children who were each a unique combination of the two of us. Over the years, we learned lots of valuable lessons on [...]

How Each DISC Style Best Relates Adult to Child

2021-08-30T20:10:10-06:00 August 31st, 2021|Categories: Adult to Child|Tags: |

Whether you are a parent seeking to raise your children well, an aunt or uncle with nieces and nephews who are dear to you, a neighbor with little ones next door, or a dentist with a vast array of types of young patients, how to best interact with them is a skill you can learn. Utilizing [...]