

Just Tell Me How This Will Benefit People and I’m Motivated!

2023-10-02T17:36:47-06:00 October 3rd, 2023|Categories: Serving, DISC Basics, DISC and Motivation|Tags: , , |

So far in this Motivation Series, we’ve looked at the High D-Style (in charge) people and the High I-Style (fun-loving) folks. Today, I’m focused on the people-loving High S-Style. These are the individuals in your family, on your team, or your committee who are usually “outward focused” – caring deeply about the people around them, the [...]

What is the “It’s an Honor to Serve You Today” Perspective?

2021-06-07T19:55:57-06:00 June 8th, 2021|Categories: Serving|Tags: |

It's late at night... I've been out of town since last Sunday. My nearly 97-year-old Dear Dad and I did SIX Major Errands today - several of the "we only need to take care of this once a year" variety. The same has been true several days this week... and I'm exhausted. But it is a [...]