DISC Basics

/DISC Basics

Adult C-Style and Child D-Style: Can You Keep Up?!

2025-01-06T10:28:48-07:00 January 7th, 2025|Categories: Adult to Child, DISC Basics, DISC and Stress|Tags: , , |

Have you ever worked with a child who was always active, had more energy than they truly knew what to do with, while having LOTS of ideas on what they could do with all that energy and when? In other words, they are driven to be in charge and they have the ideas and the energy [...]

Adult S-Style and Child C-Style: I Want the Details – Precisely!

2024-12-16T09:56:08-07:00 December 17th, 2024|Categories: Adult to Child, DISC Basics|Tags: , , |

Have you ever had a child who wanted to know every detail of everything they were involved with? If you are the one putting braces on them, as many of my readers are, they pepper you with questions from the moment they arrive in your office until the door closes behind them. These children just LOVE [...]

Adult S-Style and Child S-Style: A LOT in Common!

2024-12-09T22:44:47-07:00 December 10th, 2024|Categories: Adult to Child, DISC Basics|Tags: , , , |

As we go through the Adult to Child Relationship series, the combination we will discuss this week is the High S-Style Adult with the High S-Style Child. This combination hits home since one of my strongest Styles is the S-Style, and I have a daughter who also has lots of S-Style in her. Early in her [...]

Adult S-Style and Child I-Style: They will have TEN Good Reasons to Convince You!

2024-12-02T13:52:10-07:00 December 3rd, 2024|Categories: Adult to Child, DISC Basics|Tags: , , |

Have you ever had a child deliver their TEN good reasons and talk you into something that, deep inside you, your better judgement was screaming, "NO!" Whether they were your own child or your patient or a relative... doesn't matter. These children have a gift at being persuasive. As we go through the DISC Style Adult [...]

Adult S-Style and Child D-Style: You are in for a Wild Ride!

2024-11-18T14:12:07-07:00 November 19th, 2024|Categories: Adult to Child, DISC Basics|Tags: , , , |

We have been looking at the various DISC Style Combinations between Adults and Children. If you want to review any of the previous blogposts, just click here for the Blog section of my website. This week, the combination we will discuss is the High S-Style Adult with the High D-Style Child. High D-Style children have been [...]

Adult I-Style and Child C-Style: Remember to Slow Down and Calm Down!

2024-11-11T13:09:10-07:00 November 12th, 2024|Categories: Adult to Child, DISC Basics|Tags: , , |

For years, I questioned my effectiveness as a mother, especially with my two younger children. If any of you are parents, or have a close relationship with several children from the same family, you will no doubt agree with me that they can be vastly different from each other. And just when you start to figure [...]