DISC Basics

/DISC Basics

How Advanced Preparation Steps are KEY in the Hiring Process

2021-03-16T02:48:36-06:00 March 16th, 2021|Categories: DISC Basics, DISC and Hiring|Tags: , |

Let's set the scene: You have a busy office, a full day of patients, possibly a family waiting for your time and attention when you get home. But you also need to hire a new staff person... desperately! As tempting as it is to just throw an ad together and get the extra "hands on deck", [...]

Can You Really Put Me On a Graph?!

2021-01-29T18:02:38-07:00 January 26th, 2021|Categories: DISC Basics|Tags: |

In our family, we tend to have very strong personalities. So my first response to learning about the DISC was that people were mostly just one Style; so if I got to know those four Basic Styles, I could understand most folks. However, "flash of truth" - people are a LOT more complicated than that!! As [...]

How to “DISC” Stress Goodbye for Good!

2021-01-19T07:05:28-07:00 January 19th, 2021|Categories: DISC Basics, DISC and Stress|

Would you like to learn the ways to deal with stress that are best for you? Would you like to be able to quickly recognize your Stress Responses? Then know how to alleviate that stress response? How about learning specific ways to renew yourself to offset the stress? Several weeks ago, I wrote a couple blog posts [...]

How Can the Way I Assemble IKEA Furniture Actually Reveal My DISC Styles?

2021-01-12T14:25:54-07:00 January 12th, 2021|Categories: DISC Basics|Tags: |

Would you believe that the way you prefer to put together a piece of IKEA furniture can reveal your DISC Style? And also can reveal how you prefer to accomplish a task? Special thanks to Extended DISC, Inc., for this example... which I find fascinating. I am a BIG fan of IKEA, but my children who [...]

What are Some Basic Strengths and Weaknesses of Each DISC Style?

2021-01-05T13:09:09-07:00 January 5th, 2021|Categories: DISC Basics|Tags: |

Let's take the first steps of making this the year you minimize turnover, hire the ideal people, put them in their ideal places, and have a Fully Functioning Team! Each of these facets requires a basic understanding of DISC Styles in the Tried-and-True System I'm going to share with you in future blog posts. In our orthodontic [...]

What is the Next Step in DISC Basics?

2021-02-01T16:54:38-07:00 December 8th, 2020|Categories: DISC Basics, DISC and Hiring|Tags: , |

Last week, I introduced just the tip of the iceberg regarding the DISC Styles. Let's get to know these Styles a bit better this week. I think we would all agree - each person is unique. But somehow when it comes to hiring and placing people in our staff positions in our office, we think if [...]