DISC Basics

/DISC Basics

Family Vacation Continues – S’mores are our favorite!!

2022-07-20T13:46:44-06:00 July 26th, 2022|Categories: DISC and Self-Renewal, DISC Basics|Tags: , |

At some point in your life, I hope you have relished the fun of roasting marshmallows over an open fire, then taking that golden (or burnt) piece of ooey gooeyness, placing it on top of a graham cracker topped with a chocolate bar, adding the top layer of graham cracker (or MORE chocolate bar) and letting [...]

Can’t Stop to Chat, Now… I Need Self-Renewing Quiet Time Reading!

2022-07-12T15:21:31-06:00 July 12th, 2022|Categories: DISC and Self-Renewal, DISC Basics|Tags: , , , , , , |

Most of us, at any age, are involved in daily activities that require lots of interaction - whether it is in an office, school, job, activities, etc. For the High C-Style person, this can be very draining. As a reminder, the C-Style person tends to be: Precise Conscientious Systematic Slower paced Task-oriented A lover of details [...]

My Nap Hammock is Calling Me- Time for S-Style Self-Renewal!

2022-07-04T14:33:02-06:00 July 5th, 2022|Categories: DISC and Self-Renewal, DISC Basics|Tags: , , , , |

As many of you tend to do, I have a propensity to push myself, enjoy activities with family, then try to get that one more item done on my ever-present To Do List... and keep going... until I crash. One of my goals as a High S-Style person is to do a much better job of [...]

Guess How Many Extra Fun People Are Coming to Dinner Tonight?!

2022-06-27T12:27:14-06:00 June 28th, 2022|Categories: DISC and Self-Renewal, DISC Basics|Tags: , , , |

When our children were growing up, we had our home and orthodontic office in the same building, the home on top of the office. Since our High I-Style daughter often had lots of extra fun-loving young people over, with lots of energy, my husband had to often call up to me to “stop the Elephant Stampede [...]

There is Nothing More Self-Renewing than Mowing the Yard!! Really?!

2022-06-20T20:00:22-06:00 June 21st, 2022|Categories: DISC and Self-Renewal, DISC Basics|Tags: , |

We all know the essential importance of caring well for ourselves and maintaining balance in our lives. A simple, yet effective way to achieve these goals is to make self-renewing a habit every day. The important thing to consider is that we are all so different - what renews one person can be a huge drain [...]

Do You Want to Know My System and the Right Way to Do It?

2022-05-16T15:36:41-06:00 May 17th, 2022|Categories: Adult to Child, DISC Basics, DISC and Communication|Tags: , , , |

Have you ever known a child who insisted their way of doing things was the “right” way, and they had a system in place to prove it? As we finish the Adult to Child Relationship DISC series, the final combination we will discuss this week is the High C-Style Adult with the High C-Style Child. As [...]