DISC and Stress

/DISC and Stress

Our Enormous Loss in Our Family Circle

2021-03-24T06:19:04-06:00 March 23rd, 2021|Categories: DISC and Stress|Tags: , |

My apologies for interrupting our Hiring Process blog posts, but a member of our Family Circle passed on this past week. Indeed, we had an enormous loss in our family - my youngest brother's wife passed on from FTD, Frontal Temporal Degeneration. It slowly steals someone's mental capabilities, then their physical ones. It had been a [...]

How to “DISC” Stress Goodbye for Good!

2021-01-19T07:05:28-07:00 January 19th, 2021|Categories: DISC Basics, DISC and Stress|

Would you like to learn the ways to deal with stress that are best for you? Would you like to be able to quickly recognize your Stress Responses? Then know how to alleviate that stress response? How about learning specific ways to renew yourself to offset the stress? Several weeks ago, I wrote a couple blog posts [...]

If I Know I’m Stressed, How Do I “Erase” It?

2020-12-22T13:57:50-07:00 December 22nd, 2020|Categories: DISC and Stress|Tags: , |

The Goal - to get from "AAAUUUGGGHHH" to "Ahhhhhh". But when it comes to stress, we all "erase" it in different ways. Before I learned these insights, whenever I was stressed, my tactic was to keep pushing through... don't stop... don't quit... make progress. But I found it only exacerbated the stress and complicated the issues [...]

DISC Styles and Being Stressed Out – How are They Unique?

2021-02-01T16:59:02-07:00 December 15th, 2020|Categories: DISC and Stress|Tags: , |

First, let me say emphatically that I DELIGHT in Christmas! But between our relentless COVID-19 foe and our often-unrealistic expectations of Christmas, there seems to be an inordinate amount of stress in people's lives this year. Just check in with FaceBook or Twitter to see strong emotions and frustrations spilling out of folks everywhere! I know [...]