Ideal Person Ideal Place Blog

/Ideal Person Ideal Place Blog/

How Do You Solve a Problem Like Maria?!

2021-07-12T22:50:41-06:00 July 13th, 2021|Categories: DISC Basics, DISC and Motivation|Tags: , , |

In a wonderful musical that has stood the test of time, "Sound of Music" focuses on a very high energy, enthusiastic young woman who is full of new ideas as a governess for her 7 charges. As the movie reveals, the main challenge with motivating this High I-Style is harnessing all that enthusiasm and getting it [...]

So How Do I Motivate a D-Style or Am I Just De-Motivating Them?

2021-07-05T23:01:55-06:00 July 6th, 2021|Categories: DISC Basics, DISC and Motivation|Tags: , |

In all honesty, living or working with a High D can be both extremely challenging and extremely rewarding. On one hand, they are amazing at taking charge and getting things done, but can also be difficult to work with in the process of the doing... So first, a Review of D-Style Basics: Decisive Takes Charge Gets [...]

What are 2 Massive Mistakes with Motivating Others?

2021-06-28T17:28:36-06:00 June 29th, 2021|Categories: DISC and Communication|Tags: , |

I'm guessing you have had the experience of being in the middle of a talk with someone, when you suddenly realize - "Hey - they are pushing my buttons on purpose!" Or you find yourself agreeing to something in the middle of a pressure conversation that you later regret. Or you are the one trying to [...]

Can We Talk About the Numbers and the Details, Please?

2021-06-21T19:13:53-06:00 June 22nd, 2021|Categories: DISC and Communication|Tags: , |

Years ago, we built a facility - our home and our office in one building. As you can imagine, the details and decisions were relentless. We had an excellent architect as well as a fabulous builder who used top quality workmen. But the decisions came down to me and my husband. As a High D & [...]

How Do Ms. and Mr. Patient and Peaceful Prefer to Communicate?

2021-06-14T11:06:56-06:00 June 15th, 2021|Categories: DISC and Office Roles, DISC and Communication|Tags: , , |

Yes, indeed - the S-Style is usually a person you can sit and talk with for hours - comfortable, friendly, patient, usually a great listener and seems to know the right questions to ask to draw out a good conversation. In our orthodontic practice, we always tried to make sure our operatory was full of these [...]

What is the “It’s an Honor to Serve You Today” Perspective?

2021-06-07T19:55:57-06:00 June 8th, 2021|Categories: Serving|Tags: |

It's late at night... I've been out of town since last Sunday. My nearly 97-year-old Dear Dad and I did SIX Major Errands today - several of the "we only need to take care of this once a year" variety. The same has been true several days this week... and I'm exhausted. But it is a [...]