Ideal Person Ideal Place Blog

/Ideal Person Ideal Place Blog/

Am I Really Demotivating You? Please Help Me Understand!

2023-10-16T09:42:24-06:00 October 17th, 2023|Categories: DISC and Motivation|Tags: |

As we pursue our goal to do our best in communication and motivation, whether at home, work, study or play, it is worth taking a few weeks to look at what demotivates each DISC Style. The definition of demotivation describes it as "making someone less eager to work or study; to have a lack of interest [...]

Just Show Me How This Task Can Use Systems and I’m Motivated!

2023-10-05T18:56:01-06:00 October 10th, 2023|Categories: DISC Basics, DISC and Motivation|Tags: , |

So far in this “Motivation Series”, we’ve looked at the High D-Style (in charge) people, the High I-Style (fun-loving) folks and the people-loving High S-Style. But these are all very different from the systems and details-loving High C-Style, our focus for today. These are the individuals in your family, on your team, or your committee who [...]

Just Tell Me How This Will Benefit People and I’m Motivated!

2023-10-02T17:36:47-06:00 October 3rd, 2023|Categories: Serving, DISC Basics, DISC and Motivation|Tags: , , |

So far in this Motivation Series, we’ve looked at the High D-Style (in charge) people and the High I-Style (fun-loving) folks. Today, I’m focused on the people-loving High S-Style. These are the individuals in your family, on your team, or your committee who are usually “outward focused” – caring deeply about the people around them, the [...]

Just Let Me Add an Element of Fun and I’m Motivated!

2023-09-27T07:08:05-06:00 September 26th, 2023|Categories: DISC and Work, DISC Basics, DISC and Motivation|Tags: , |

This year, we’ve gone over how to use the DISC System to place staff in their best roles in the office. Then we lined out a great Hiring Process to use to fill in the gaps. Next, we focused on how to best communicate with each DISC Style and how not to communicate with them. Last [...]

Just Give Me a Mountain to Climb and I’m Motivated!

2023-09-18T17:50:37-06:00 September 19th, 2023|Categories: DISC Basics, DISC and Motivation|Tags: , |

Whether you are seeking to motivate a child, a spouse, or a member of your staff or a committee, or even yourself, the DISC System can give you specific guidelines and help. We will spend the next few weeks looking at how each DISC Style is particularly motivated, getting an understanding of how the Styles are [...]

What are Two Massive Mistakes to Avoid When Motivating Others?

2023-09-11T23:07:02-06:00 September 12th, 2023|Categories: DISC and Motivation|Tags: , |

I’m guessing you have had the experience of being in the middle of a conversation with someone, when you suddenly realize - “Hey, they are pushing my buttons on purpose!” Or you find yourself agreeing to something in the middle of a pressure conversation that you later regret. Or you are the one trying to encourage [...]