Ideal Person Ideal Place Blog

/Ideal Person Ideal Place Blog/

How Does a High S-Style Person Prefer Others Communicate with Them?

2023-08-25T10:11:48-06:00 August 29th, 2023|Categories: DISC Basics, DISC and Communication|Tags: , |

So far we’ve looked at how the task-focused High D person and the people-focused High I person prefer that others communicate with them. If you want to read these, just click here. This week, let’s talk about the people-loving High S-Style person. First, as a reminder, here are the High S-Style’s tendencies: Dependable Steady Persistent Extremely [...]

How Does a High I-Style Person Prefer Others Communicate with Them?

2023-08-21T09:26:29-06:00 August 22nd, 2023|Categories: DISC Basics, DISC and Communication|Tags: , |

Last week, we discussed how a task-focused, high energy, must-be-in-charge, High D-Style person prefers that others communicate with them. This week, as we focus on the people-focused, fun-loving, persuasive High I-Style person, you can imagine that their communication preferences would be vastly different. First, as a reminder, the High I-Style person tends to: Be fun-loving, a [...]

How Does a High D-Style Prefer Others Communicate with Them?

2023-08-14T19:49:18-06:00 August 15th, 2023|Categories: DISC Basics, DISC and Communication|Tags: , |

So far, in our goal to Minimize Turnover, we have discussed using the DISC System to place our staff in their ideal roles in our office. Then we focused on how to hire and place new staff to cover the “open spots.” Now that we have our people all functioning in their best responsibilities, it is [...]

How to Know if Someone is a “Direct Teller” or a “Persuasive Seller”

2023-08-07T10:27:10-06:00 August 8th, 2023|Categories: DISC and Work, DISC Basics, DISC and Communication|Tags: , |

Picture this: you’re in a meeting with your coworkers or staff. The goal is to come up with ways to attract new patients. One gal strongly states, “Listen! We’ve got to have more carrots to entice them to come in!” Another guy responds, “Perhaps if we up’d our FaceBook time and built strong relationships with our [...]

Summer Family Vacation Delights and Renewals

2023-07-29T06:20:55-06:00 August 1st, 2023|Categories: DISC and Self-Renewal, Summer Family Vacation|Tags: , , |

As I mentioned last week, I’m taking a break from my regular blogging and emails for two weeks to enjoy our Yearly Family Vacation. At some point in your life, I hope you have relished the fun of roasting marshmallows over an open fire, then taking that golden (or burnt) piece of ooey gooeyness, placing it [...]

Family Vacation Time – HOORAY!

2023-07-25T17:25:46-06:00 July 25th, 2023|Categories: Summer Family Vacation|Tags: , |

One of my most-anticipated weeks of the year is here - Family Vacation when we gather with our children and grandchildren to share time together. And one of my two breaks from blogging and pinning and emails (the other will be two weeks at Christmas) so I can focus on family. But I do want to [...]