
/Beth Miller

About Beth Miller

I am an orthodontic staffing specialist with over 30 years of experience. I help dental professionals hire and place ideal staff into their ideal places in the office as well as help individuals figure out their best job role based on their unique Style.

A Most Blessed and Happy New Year 2024!

2024-01-01T13:57:32-07:00 January 2nd, 2024|Categories: New Year|Tags: |

Greetings! My New Year is starting off with a whopping cold – still fighting the lingering cough and no voice, which thankfully doesn’t affect sharing a blogpost or email. But also still relishing a delightful December, especially celebrating the birth of Jesus. This is the bedrock foundation in my life. My constant goal is for it [...]

Joy to the World – It’s Christmas!

2023-12-22T19:49:13-07:00 December 26th, 2023|Categories: Christmas, New Year|Tags: , |

A question – what difference does Christmas make to you? It’s important to think about... As I write this, Christmas is just 3 days away, I am battling a bad cold, and grateful that the COVID tests I’ve taken every couple days have been negative. But it has been a month of joy – especially singing [...]

Just Give Me A Clearer Procedure to Get Rid of My Stress!

2023-12-13T09:49:00-07:00 December 19th, 2023|Categories: DISC Basics, DISC and Stress|Tags: , |

This month, we are looking at each DISC Style and their unique response to stress as well as practical hints on how to best alleviate that stress. So far, we have covered the “in-charge-do-it-now” High D-Style, the “fun-loving-people-focused” High I Style and the “super-patient-team-player” High S-Style. If you would like to read those past blogposts, just [...]

Just Give Me Quiet Sitting Time by a Fire to Get Rid of My Stress!

2023-12-11T11:03:54-07:00 December 12th, 2023|Categories: DISC Basics, DISC and Stress|Tags: , |

This month, we are looking at each DISC Style and their unique response to stress as well as practical hints on alleviating that stress. So far, we have covered the “in-charge-do-it-now” High D-Style and the “fun-loving-people-focused” High I Style. If you would like to read those past blogposts, just click here. This week, our focus is [...]

Just Give Me Fun Time With People to Get Rid of My Stress!

2023-12-04T15:21:28-07:00 December 5th, 2023|Categories: DISC Basics, DISC and Stress|Tags: , |

First, let me say emphatically that Christmas is one of my two top and most important times of the year. I DELIGHT in the Christmas season! But often it carries an extra level of stress when we add the extra activities, preparations, cooking, shopping, time with others, etc. Last week we looked at the High D-Style [...]

Dealing with Stress – DISC Style

2023-11-27T19:40:24-07:00 November 28th, 2023|Categories: DISC and Stress|Tags: , |

It’s been good to focus on Communication and Motivation, DISC Style, these last few months. If you want to look over that helpful information, just click here for those past blogposts. This past week, as we gathered to celebrate Thanksgiving, the subject of stress was already a common topic. Between Black Friday, Cyber Monday, the holiday [...]