Design Your Best Ad – The Next Critical Key to a Successful Hire

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Design Your Best Ad – The Next Critical Key to a Successful Hire

In our goal to Minimize Turnover, we are looking at the Best Hiring Process that we developed over 30 years in our orthodontic practice. I cannot say enough about the difference it made to use this clear step-by-step process that resulted in having staff who were in the roles they were best designed to do. The outcome of giving each of our staff their best responsibilities was that they were excited to come to work and wanted to stay with us for many years. This, of course, gave us the consistency and assurance of having reliable staff without the stress of turnover, rehiring, retraining, etc.

Last week, we focused on the Advance Preparation Steps of this process, which are absolutely key to a successful hire. If you missed that blogpost, just click here to read: Advanced Preparation – One of the Keys to a Successful Hire” 

This week, we will describe the next section of the “Best Hiring Process”, Design the Ad. It involves just two steps:

  1. Use clear words that describe the specific roles and functions you are looking to fill (see Step 1 in Advance Preparation).
  2. Use clear words that describe the specific qualities that will be needed to do these roles and functions (see Step 2 in Advance Preparation).

Please note: there is no need to use DISC labels or descriptions. But if you will take time to clearly describe what role you are looking to fill and the qualities needed to do that role, it will greatly contribute to a successful hire.

When we stopped hiring “the best person”, which was just based on someone’s impressive resumé or interview, and started using this clear Best Hiring Process, it was amazing to see our staff fit into their best roles in our office. Then it was a joy to see their excitement in fulfilling those roles that were specifically designed for them.

I’ve put together a “Best Hiring Process Worksheet” to see all the steps lined out. If you would like this free tool, just click here. 

If you would like a quick overview of the whole “Best Hiring Process”, I’ve written a helpful short $5 e-book, “How to Minimize Turnover: Five Steps to a Fully Functioning Team Who Want to Stay”. Just click here to access this useful e-book.

OR if you would like to receive these “Keys to Minimize Turnover” blogposts by email each week, click here: “YES! Please send me Beth’s Minimizing Turnover emails!”

This process made such a wonderful difference in our office as well as our stress levels! So it is important to me to share this process with you, hoping you can experience these same results.

QUESTION: Do you have a process for putting your ad together for the staff you need to hire? I’d love to hear your thoughts and observations. Please share in the comment section below.

About the Author:

I am an orthodontic staffing specialist with over 30 years of experience. I help dental professionals hire and place ideal staff into their ideal places in the office as well as help individuals figure out their best job role based on their unique Style.

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