How to Place Your Staff in Their Ideal Places in 3 Easy Steps

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How to Place Your Staff in Their Ideal Places in 3 Easy Steps

Look around at your staff – are they each working in their best possible roles? Are they doing the tasks that truly fit how they are designed? Or are you trying to fit some square pegs into round holes? Are you asking your staff to adapt to responsibilities that don’t fit them at all?

My last two blog posts focused on the ideal DISC Style combinations for different roles in the office. As you understand these guidelines, the next best step is to assess the staff you have now and discern if they are in their best roles.

Too often, like in the story I shared in last week’s blog post, we hire just to get “more hands on deck”, simply trying to have responsible, hard-working folks help carry the loads in our office.

But if we would take a few minutes to consider if our staff are truly placed in their best roles, it could make the difference between a tense office atmosphere full of daily challenges and a smoothly running office with a Fully Functioning Team.

There are actually just 3 Easy Steps to accomplish a Satisfied Well-Placed Staff:

  1. Discern what DISC Style Combination makes up each of your staff. For help with this, please see…t-does-it-unlock and…p-in-disc-basics blog posts. Also, Chapter 1 of the e-book, “How to DISC Stress Goodbye for Good” covers the DISC Style Basics. Or for the most accurate results, feel free to contact me for a DISC Assessment and 1:1 consultation.
  2. Decide if the roles each of your staff have in your office are a good fit for their DISC Style Combination. The last two blog posts, and will explain this further.
  3. SLOWLY start the reshuffling or reassigning process until all your staff are functioning in their ideal roles.

One word of advice: please avoid approaching this like Fruit Basket Upset. The best way to slowly make the needed modifications is to assign specific tasks or responsibilities that best fit the DISC Styles of each of your staff.

For example – if your lab person is a High I and chafes at sitting back in the lab, give them some time with patients each day. Or if your Front Desk Receptionist has a lot of High C, put them in charge of keeping the schedule running on time.

To help with this process, I’ve made up “Beth’s Ideal Person in the Ideal Place Team Chart” – a simple tool with the potential for enormous benefits. Just click this link to access it:

Please do take a few minutes to access the chart, then list your staff and start observing them. try to fill in another section of the chart bit by bit until you have achieved your Fully Functioning Team. Your staff will deeply appreciate it!!

QUESTION: Does this process sound doable? Do you think it is worth your time and effort to minimize turnover and achieve a Fully Functioning Team? I’d love to hear your thoughts and observations. Please share with me in the comment section below.


About the Author:

I am an orthodontic staffing specialist with over 30 years of experience. I help dental professionals hire and place ideal staff into their ideal places in the office as well as help individuals figure out their best job role based on their unique Style.

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