A Fully Functioning Team: Do You Want to Get It DONE in 2021?

//A Fully Functioning Team: Do You Want to Get It DONE in 2021?

A Fully Functioning Team: Do You Want to Get It DONE in 2021?

Would you like this to be the year you go beyond wishing to minimize turnover in your office? Instead- you actually meet the goal of saving yourself the stress and money loss of repeated re-hirings and re-trainings? I want to offer you an excellent, tried-and-true process.

I love new beginnings, fresh starts, being able to hit the Redo button. I love having goals and plans and ideas and hopes and dreams. But as the WW quote reminds us, “A Goal Without a Plan is Just a Wish.”

I am a Bullet Journal Fan. A couple days ago, I started a new page in my Journal for some goals and plans for the next two weeks, then made a page on how I wanted to begin January. There is something about seeing those plans come together ahead of time that is extremely energizing and empowering and gets me focused before January arrives.

Do you have a goal of less turnover this year? Or less stress for your staff? Or a more pleasant office atmosphere? These are not just wishes, but you can truly plan to make them a reality.

The book I’m developing, based on the workshops I give, lines out this plan and process step by step.  Each Tuesday, I will be “blogging the book” and I welcome your feedback.

So far, in previous blog posts, we’ve:

  • discussed the challenges of turnover and hiring and staffing our offices
  • briefly touched on the DISC Basics

Now I’m looking forward to sharing insights on:

  • the strengths of each Style
  • where those Styles are needed in our offices
  • my “99% Successful Hiring Process”
  • Office Team Building through motivating, communicating and managing stress

My goal and plan is to continue to post the next section of the Ideal Person in the Ideal Place book each Tuesday morning as well as have worksheets to help with the different processes I present. In the past, as we put these practices to work in our office, it made the most amazing difference, not just for us but for all our staff. I want those positive results for you.

As you set your goals and make your plans for 2021, I want to encourage and challenge you to make it a priority to put the Ideal Person in the Ideal Place in your office; then to take these steps that I’ll go over each week and apply them to your situation.

Please check in each week or fill out the form below to be reminded of each post and worksheet as they become available. The form will also give you immediate access to the DISC Basics Infographic which will be used in nearly every section of the book.

I invite you to make a monumental difference in your office and join me this next year as we learn how to use that One Magic Key to a Fully Functioning Team – to put the Ideal Person in the Ideal Place.

QUESTION: Have you considered the goal of minimizing turnover and strengthening your team this year? How do you plan to accomplish these goals? I’d love to hear your thoughts and observations. Please share with me in the comment section below.


2020-12-29T12:23:27-07:00 December 29th, 2020|Categories: Fully Functioning Team Plan|Tags: , , , |0 Comments

About the Author:

I am an orthodontic staffing specialist with over 30 years of experience. I help dental professionals hire and place ideal staff into their ideal places in the office as well as help individuals figure out their best job role based on their unique Style.

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