Is There Hope to Deal with the Villain of Office Turnover?

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Is There Hope to Deal with the Villain of Office Turnover?

Is turnover a constant hassle in your office, costing you stress, time and too much expense? Is the looming challenge of yet another hiring process keeping you awake at night? Do you struggle to fit your staff into the best roles in your office?

In our early years of having an orthodontic practice, we made mistake after mistake in hiring the best people for an empty role. Then it was a huge challenge to know what responsibilities to give them once they were hired. We tried to make them fit into the necessary role, pouring lots of time and effort into their training. But too often, the new staff would feel frustrated, overwhelmed and finally quit. Then we were right back to the stress and financial strain of hiring again. You know – the Villain of Turnover!

But I want to assure you – there is HOPE! Over time, we learned how to use the DISC System to develop a No-Hassle-Best-Results-Guaranteed Hiring Process. Then we used the DISC to place our staff in their ideal roles in the office.

Eventually, as we put this process into action, we finally employed staff who were glad to be there, fulfilled in their jobs and wanted to stay. What a great way to run a practice!!

Create Strong Teams Who Want to Stay

 My weekly blogpost will be on how to apply the DISC System in your office:

  • Basics of the DISC System and how it made ALL the difference for our practice
  • My No-Hassle-Best-Results-Guaranteed Hiring Process
  • The One Magic Key to a Fully Functioning Team – put the Ideal Person in the Ideal Place – promotes an excellent work environment and minimal turnover
  • DISC and Stress – how to understand our differences in our responses to stress and how we prefer to alleviate it
  • And many other practical helps and hints in using DISC in both your office and your personal life that you can apply immediately

I look forward to sharing with you on Tuesday of each week to discuss another step in this amazing process that will help you Vanquish the Villain of Office Turnover. Or you can receive each step in your email. Just click here: YES! I want to receive these steps in my email inbox!

Also, my orthodontist husband, Galen, and I will continue a regular email, “Orthodontic Tips and Tricks” – on how he handled specific orthodontic treatment problems and challenges as well as some orthodontic “pearls” – those priceless gems that made all the difference in his practice. These will be sent by email only. You can also sign up to be included in these regular emails. Just click here: YES! Please sign me up for Dr. Miller’s Orthodontic Tips, Tricks and Pearls!

I’m doing some research for a new product I’m creating. Looking to talk to five orthodontists who want to minimize turnover in their office. If this is you, leave a comment below, and I’ll follow up with you to schedule a 15-minute Zoom call. Looking forward to it!

QUESTIONS: Does this sound too good to be true? Would you like to minimize turnover in your office? Would you be interested in learning my easy-to-apply systems for hiring, training and working with staff? I’d love to hear your thoughts and observations. Please share in the comment section below.

2023-02-12T14:58:30-07:00 January 24th, 2023|Categories: Office Challenges, DISC and Turnover|Tags: , |0 Comments

About the Author:

I am an orthodontic staffing specialist with over 30 years of experience. I help dental professionals hire and place ideal staff into their ideal places in the office as well as help individuals figure out their best job role based on their unique Style.

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