How Advanced Preparation Steps are KEY in the Hiring Process

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How Advanced Preparation Steps are KEY in the Hiring Process

Let’s set the scene: You have a busy office, a full day of patients, possibly a family waiting for your time and attention when you get home. But you also need to hire a new staff person… desperately! As tempting as it is to just throw an ad together and get the extra “hands on deck”, the key to a successful hire requires Advanced Preparation. Any time spent on the following 4 Steps will pay off in multiplied results.

Phase One of the Hiring Process: Advanced Preparation

Step 1: List the roles and functions needed for the new staff

For example, will this person be in the lab, working alone on a detailed task (High C) or will they be at the Front Desk, welcoming patients and chatting with them (High I). As much as possible, list all the responsibilities they will have as specifically as you can.

Step 2: What qualities will these roles require?

As I’ve blogged about in the past, the qualities of the High C who loves details, systems and procedures, and is satisfied to work alone is vastly different from the High I who thrives on people interaction and adding fun to their role. As you list the responsibilities in Step 1, make a note of what specific qualities each of these responsibilities would need to function the best.

Step 3: What DISC Styles have these qualities? Which needs to be the strongest?

It might help to review the basics of the DISC Styles,…-each-disc-style/, just to remind yourself of which Styles have which qualities. As you review your new hire’s responsibilities, which Style represented will need to be the strongest? Which Styles will also need to be present, but perhaps not as strongly?

KEY 4th Step: Chart a Best Style Combination for the job needed

As I described in the post,, a graph is the best way to depict Style combinations. As you put together which Styles need to be strongest, it will be a tremendous help to have a “Goal Style Combination” to look at as you review the potential applicants.

We learned over many years of experience that any time spent doing these 4 Advanced Preparation Steps paid off significantly in the other stages of the Hiring Process. It truly is the key to a successful hire!

Next week – Phase Two: Design the Ad

QUESTION: Have you ever put together a detailed list of the responsibilities and qualities required for a new hire? Can you see how the time spent on this process would pay off? I’d love to hear your thoughts and observations. Please share in the comment section below.

2021-03-16T02:48:36-06:00 March 16th, 2021|Categories: DISC Basics, DISC and Hiring|Tags: , |0 Comments

About the Author:

I am an orthodontic staffing specialist with over 30 years of experience. I help dental professionals hire and place ideal staff into their ideal places in the office as well as help individuals figure out their best job role based on their unique Style.

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