So Where in the Square Peg Do I Need to Fit?

//So Where in the Square Peg Do I Need to Fit?

So Where in the Square Peg Do I Need to Fit?

It is a true statement – every one of us is a SQUARE PEG!

We are trying to figure out where and how we fit in this world; especially, for most of us, in the world of work. We want to know how much of our square corners do we need to shave off to fit in the round holes where we are assigned.

Several weeks ago, I blogged about one of our high energy, outgoing employees who was about to lose her mind sitting back in the lab, picking the bubbles off teeth models for hours. We were asking her to “round her corners” a LOT!

When we started using the DISC System to understand someone’s basic design and then what each role required, it became a masterful game of moving the square pegs to the square holes, the triangles to the triangle holes, the octagons to the octagon holes… with the result of a Fully Functioning Team who loved coming to work!

Up to now I’ve mostly written to dental professionals who have office staff. But today, I want to write to the staff directly, or to anyone in a work role.

It’s time to take your job back down to the ABC’s:

  1. Assess if your roles at your job fit with your DISC Styles design. For the most basic description of each Style, see the DISC Infographic form below. Or for a more in-depth look at the DISC Styles, please read Chapter 1 in “How to DISC Stress Goodbye for Good”.
  2. Be your own researcher – do a quick study of which DISC Styles best fit which roles in an office by reviewing the short posts, “So Where do the Best Styles Fit in Your Office?” and “What Style Combinations Work Best for Specific Office Roles”.
  3. Consider a proposal to your boss – look around at what responsibilities you might trade for your current ones which would better fit you. Propose opportunities to swap for some of those better-fitting roles.

I want to encourage you to give the effort to take these three steps – it could make the difference between having the conviction that you are working in the best role for your design or daily having to shave off your corners to fit your job. The soul-satisfaction of working where you truly fit and can utilize your design is well worth it!

QUESTION: Have you ever considered if your design fits with your work roles? Do you think it is worth the effort to achieve this fit? I’d love to hear your thoughts and observations. Please share with me in the comment section below.

2021-02-23T05:55:26-07:00 February 23rd, 2021|Categories: DISC and Office Roles|Tags: , |0 Comments

About the Author:

I am an orthodontic staffing specialist with over 30 years of experience. I help dental professionals hire and place ideal staff into their ideal places in the office as well as help individuals figure out their best job role based on their unique Style.

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