Is turnover turning into a constant hassle in your office, costing you stress, time and too much expense?
Is the looming challenge of yet another hiring process keeping you awake at night?
Would you as an individual like to figure out what kind of work best fits your gifts and strengths?
Do you struggle to fit your staff into the best roles in your office?
If so, you are in the right place!
I am an orthodontic staffing specialist with over 30 years of experience. I help dental professionals hire and place ideal staff into their ideal places in the office as well as help individuals figure out their best job role based on their unique Style.
One of my favorite things to teach is my “No-Hassle Disaster-Proof Hiring Method” that consistently yields fabulous hires. The result is a fully functioning team, minimal turnover and an excellent work environment.
“When we discover what makes individuals tick and why they do what they do – particularly in the workplace – we meet the challenges of hiring and managing proactively and respectfully.”
Create Strong Teams Who Want to Stay
I have used the DISC System many years and am a certified Extended DISC trainer and consultant. When I add this training to my years of experience in orthodontics, I have the knowledge and understanding to speak to professional schools and organizations, as well as train individuals and come alongside offices to produce excellent results. This is all based on my strong foundational belief that we were each created very specifically and purposefully.
There truly is a Magic Key to the Fully Functioning Team you have always hoped to have – to be able to hire the exact staff you need, then to place each staff member in their ideal role in the office. You can drastically minimize turnover, saving yourself the stress, time and money of hiring and training new staff. You can be surrounded by staff who are delighted to come to work because they are functioning in the roles that fit their natural strengths and styles. Best of all, you can provide your staff with the opportunity to thrive, so they will want to stay for many years.
The Great News
- You can be the HERO in your office
- Conquer the problem of turnover and rehiring
- Use the DISC System to put each person in their Ideal Place
- Communicate with them
- Motivate them
- And end up with a FULLY FUNCTIONING TEAM!
Add Value to Your Dental or Orthodontic Training Program
I teach these principles and tools in orthodontic programs so the residents are well-prepared for the People side of their practice. This knowledge can save them years of struggle and enormous amounts of money, time and stress by following this simple, straightforward system.
Find Your Perfect Job Fit
I also help individuals evaluate the ideal work situation that best fits their inherent strengths and style, so they can look forward to going to work each day, ready to contribute from their gifts. Many folks have experienced tremendous insight that was life-changing for them.
Give Your Organization’s Members Useful Workshops
It is never too late for a Course Correction that will teach your members how to save vast amounts of money, time and stress. My workshops, whether in person or virtual, will provide engaging information and practical guidelines to avoid these challenges.
Blogging my Book!
I’ve received repeated requests to PLEASE put my material into a book. So I have started publishing a blogpost once a week on Tuesday mornings to put my information together piece by piece. My goal is to get feedback from you on what makes sense and where people still have questions. I also want to provide enough information to make a difference in your office and your life; to share what I have found to be successful so you can put your new-found learning into your personal and professional practice immediately.
To make sure you don’t miss any of my newest posts, you can subscribe via my e-mail:
My Biography
My husband and I had an orthodontic practice in Kansas over 30 years, then moved to Denver in 2005 to teach at the CU Orthodontic School. Through these experiences, we learned and perfected the processes and tools I am going to share with you in my book.
Over the years, I have taught Middle School Vocal Music, worked with Children’s Church Choirs and been a substitute teacher. I was also our orthodontic office’s first receptionist then did the New Patient Exams and paid the bills. I’ve been blessed to act in a number of delightful plays and musicals, from “Politically Correct Bedtime Stories” to playing Golde in “Fiddler on the Roof” to Shakespeare.
I am an avid flower gardener, reader, musician and cook. Now it is especially delightful to be Nana to our four grandchildren. I am also working on a group of books with them, called the “Nana We Need” Series, the first two being “Nana, We Need a Whisk” and “Nana, We Need a Pirate Hat”. I have also been writing “Florene” stories for years… about “A Sheep’s View of the Promises of God”. But before I have too much fun with all those books, I want to put together the life and practice-changing information from our orthodontic experiences and training.
You can contact me via e-mail at: or follow me on LinkedIn at: Beth (Adams) Miller. I look forward to hearing from you.