An Introduction to How Each DISC Style Best Relates as Adult to Child

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An Introduction to How Each DISC Style Best Relates as Adult to Child

Whether you are a parent seeking to raise your children well, an aunt or uncle with nieces and nephews who are dear to you, a neighbor with little ones next door, or a dentist with a vast array of types of young patients, how to best interact with them is a skill you can learn. Utilizing the DISC Styles gives us another framework with the insights to interact wisely.

When we were raising our children, they were vastly different, and the DISC graph for my husband and I are exact opposites. I’m not sure what the number of possible DISC combinations were for our family – but it was complicated!

We came across an amazing book, Different Children Different Needs by Dr. Charles Boyd that gave us those insights we needed as well as lots of practical suggestions. The publisher has graciously granted me permission to share with you the excellent charts and descriptions included in the book.

So for the next few months, I want to discuss what we learned from this insightful book, hoping it will give you more understanding and generate ideas for how you can better interact with the young people in your lives – whether as family, friend or professional.

Next week, we will start by looking at the High D-Style Adult and how they can best interact with the High D-Style Child… definitely one of the most challenging combinations.

If you would like to learn more about your own DISC Styles, just click here for the Resources page of my website to find more information on getting a DISC Assessment – an easy online process that will gain you lots of insight on your personal Styles.

QUESTION: Have you ever considered how your DISC Style might automatically relate to young people in a certain way? I’d love to hear your thoughts and observations. Please share in the comment section below.


2024-09-16T09:57:23-06:00 September 17th, 2024|Categories: Adult to Child, DISC Basics|Tags: , |0 Comments

About the Author:

I am an orthodontic staffing specialist with over 30 years of experience. I help dental professionals hire and place ideal staff into their ideal places in the office as well as help individuals figure out their best job role based on their unique Style.

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