Just When I Thought I Had Teenagers Figured Out, the Next One is Totally Different!

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Just When I Thought I Had Teenagers Figured Out, the Next One is Totally Different!

Perhaps you’ve had the experience of figuring out what works the best when relating to your first “child to become a teen”, or to several teens in your practice. Then along comes the next teen, or the next group of patients, and they respond completely differently.

Our family included a wide variety of DISC Combinations. The more we learned and understood how to apply the DISC System, the better was our understanding and relationship with each teen.

As we start into the Series on Adult to Teen DISC Style Relationships, our first step is to understand what the DISC System entails.

First, the DISC System involves Four Basic Styles. They are clear and easy to learn.

To introduce these Styles this week, think of someone, perhaps it is you, who:

  • D-Style: Takes CHARGE
  • I-Style: Adds FUN
  • S-Style: Is So PATIENT
  • C-Style: Loves DETAILS

To expand on this, the DISC Styles are:

  • D-Style: is the take charge, fast-paced, must be in control, decisive and authoritative, task-focused, “get it done now” person
  • I-Style: is the “party looking for a place to happen”, fun-loving, outgoing, people-focused, enthusiastic, very positive person
  • S-Style: is dependable, persistent, tender-hearted, slower-paced, cooperative, people-oriented, patient, steady and a great team player
  • C-Style: is precise, conscientious, systematic, slower-paced, task-oriented, likes procedures and details

***Please note that most people are a combination of two or three of these Styles, but one Style is usually the strongest.

Each week, we will focus on one DISC combination of Adult to Teen Relationships. We will look at the “Strengths, Struggles and Strategies” to be aware of and to use with this particular combination. My goal is that these are helpful and practical, whether you are relating to a teen in your family, or in your work or practice.

As Dr. Charles Boyd states in his excellent book, Different Children, Different Needs, “Outside of God’s Word, the insights I’ve gained through the DISC model are the most important body of information I possess.” [Affiliate link]

QUESTION: Have you discovered some good strategies to use with a variety of teens? I’d love to hear your thoughts and observations. Please share in the comment section below.

2022-08-08T07:58:53-06:00 August 9th, 2022|Categories: Adult to Teen, DISC Basics|Tags: , , |0 Comments

About the Author:

I am an orthodontic staffing specialist with over 30 years of experience. I help dental professionals hire and place ideal staff into their ideal places in the office as well as help individuals figure out their best job role based on their unique Style.

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