Progress Report and Hooray! Adult to Child Series Starts Next Week!

/, Orthodontic Profession/Progress Report and Hooray! Adult to Child Series Starts Next Week!

Progress Report and Hooray! Adult to Child Series Starts Next Week!

“Progress” is one of the most important concepts in my life. When you have lots of Irons in the Fire (It can get so confusing that I even keep a monthly chart!), life has to be lived in bite-sized chunks. If I can make even an inch of progress in several different areas, it is a positive day for me!

So even though we don’t have all the health answers yet and we aren’t back into our regular flow of a schedule, there is enough progress to give us hope:

  • I have an appointment on Monday with a Neurobalance specialist that I’m praying will give us some answers
  • Even though we had to cancel a trip, it has given us time to catch up around the house
  • We are having a good time planning Galen’s “Tips, Tricks and Pearls” emails and goals; if you are an orthodontist and would like to be on the list to receive these, please click here to receive the every-other-week emails, beginning January 31st
  • I’ve put together the rough draft outline for my online course on “Vanquish the Villain of Turnover: How to Put the Ideal Person in the Ideal Place”
  • Best of all: I’ve written the basic template of how to present the series using Dr. Charles Boyd’s charts on Adult/Child relationships and am so excited to start sharing these next week in my blogpost on February 1st

QUESTION: Do you approach your responsibilities with an “all or nothing” viewpoint or are you thrilled with any bit of progress? I’d love to hear your thoughts and observations. Please share in the comment section below.



2022-01-22T14:02:39-07:00 January 25th, 2022|Categories: Adult to Child, Orthodontic Profession|Tags: , |0 Comments

About the Author:

I am an orthodontic staffing specialist with over 30 years of experience. I help dental professionals hire and place ideal staff into their ideal places in the office as well as help individuals figure out their best job role based on their unique Style.

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