A most delightful and exciting New Year to you all. Hope your Holiday Celebrations were full of fun and family time. For me, as someone who is renewed by people time and music, I could literally feel my soul being nourished by each gathering and by the beautiful Christmas music.
But how I missed writing!! So it is exciting to begin another year of blogposts and emails. As a reminder, both to you and to me, my goal is “to publish a blogpost once a week on some aspect of the DISC System and its application in professional practices or its usefulness for individuals. My goal is to provide enough information to make a difference in your office and your life; to share what I have found to be successful so you can put your new-found learning into your personal and professional practice immediately.”
I’m doing three new things this first quarter of 2022:
- First, Galen and I are adding an every other week “Orthodontic Tips and Tricks” – or how he handled specific orthodontic treatment problems and challenges as well as some orthodontic “pearls” – those priceless gems that made all the difference in his practice. These will be sent by email every other Monday morning. They will cover all phases and types of orthodontic cases and remedies and will draw from his MANY years of experience, both in private practice and teaching. I know you will benefit from the things he will share. ***If you would like to sign up for these emails, click this button. Click Here to Sign Up for Galen’s Ortho Tips & Tricks!
- GREAT NEWS! I received permission from the publisher of Charles Boyd’s excellent book, Different Children, Different Needs [affiliate link] As he states in his book, “outside of God’s Word, the insights I’ve gained through the DISC model are the most important body of information I possess.” Specifically, I may now share the charts out of his book that give the “strengths, struggles and strategies” for each adult/child DISC combination. These were invaluable for our family when our children were growing up and are applicable to any situation where you as an adult interact with children. As I’ve mentioned in previous blogposts, our family is made up of all the different DISC Styles. So understanding our own DISC strengths as parents then understanding how to interact with each of our unique children was invaluable and life-changing in our family. This understanding is important enough that I want to take one DISC Style per month and focus on how to best interact with each DISC Style child, utilizing the charts from Dr. Boyd’s book. This knowledge, put into practice, could give you the reputation you desire as an excellent orthodontic practitioner. These will form the basis of my blogposts as well as a second email that goes out on Fridays and Saturdays.
- I am developing an online course based on many previous blogposts as well as the workshops I present to the CU Orthodontic Residents that focus on Hiring and Placing the Ideal Person in the Ideal Place in an orthodontic office. I hope to have this course ready to share by May. My goal is to disseminate this information, knowledge and experience:
- Disseminate – “to scatter or spread widely, as though sowing seed; promulgate”
- Promulgate – “make known by open declaration; publish; set forth; teach publicly.”
QUESTION: Do you enjoy the idea of starting new projects or being open to new learning? I’d love to hear your thoughts and observations. Please share in the comment section below.
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