So How Do I Motivate a D-Style or Am I Just De-Motivating Them?

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So How Do I Motivate a D-Style or Am I Just De-Motivating Them?

In all honesty, living or working with a High D can be both extremely challenging and extremely rewarding. On one hand, they are amazing at taking charge and getting things done, but can also be difficult to work with in the process of the doing…

So first, a Review of D-Style Basics:

  • Decisive
  • Takes Charge
  • Gets Things Done
  • Authoritative

Now. let’s consider How a D-Style is Motivated:

  • Challenges – if they don’t have a challenge, they will create one; they THRIVE on Challenges
  • Authority – since they are driven to be in charge, the more authority they have in a situation, the more they like it
  • Bottom-line Results – they usually don’t like the process involved, but are more focused on the end product or result and how to get to it as quickly as possible
  • Specific Goals – they like something concrete they are aiming for – the end product/result

It is also important to understand What De-Motivates a D-Style:

  • External Controls – or if someone else is as driven to be in charge as they are; why we refuse to have two High D’s in the office at the same time; they will usually knock heads
  • Trivial Discussions – their focus is progress toward their goals and bottom-line results, so these off-topic or non-focused discussions make them crazy
  • Lack of Leadership – they will usually think they could do a better job of being in charge; it takes a strong person to lead them well
  • Incompetence – especially if those they work with or work under are inept or ineffective

This is a basic list just touching the surface, but gives you a bigger picture of the Take Charge D-Style and hopefully gives you a better grasp of what motivates and de-motivates them.

QUESTION: If you have some D-Style in you, do you find these things motivate or de-motivate you? Or if you live or work with a D-Style, do you think these insights might help you understand and live or work with them better? I’d love to hear your thoughts and observations. Please share in the comment section below.

2021-07-05T23:01:55-06:00 July 6th, 2021|Categories: DISC Basics, DISC and Motivation|Tags: , |0 Comments

About the Author:

I am an orthodontic staffing specialist with over 30 years of experience. I help dental professionals hire and place ideal staff into their ideal places in the office as well as help individuals figure out their best job role based on their unique Style.

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