If There is One Magic Key, What Does It Unlock?

//If There is One Magic Key, What Does It Unlock?

If There is One Magic Key, What Does It Unlock?

My first three blogposts focused on the challenges we face as dental professionals regarding staffing our practices. Now I want to start answering the questions I posed.

If there is One Magic Key to dealing with hiring and turnover and creating teams who want to stay for the long haul, what is that Key and what does it unlock?

In our orthodontic practice, we spent the first few years “Hiring Blind”. Then one of our staff attended a workshop unrelated to orthodontics, but one that discussed the DISC System. He immediately saw the potential it had for our office, so we began implementing small pieces of it; then added more and more pieces. It revolutionized our staff and our practice! We never went back! The “lock had been opened” and it was amazing!

In short – the DISC System states that everyone is a combination of Four Basic Styles.

To introduce these Styles this week, think of someone, perhaps it is youwho:

  • D-Style: Takes CHARGE
  • I-Style: Adds FUN
  • S-Style: Is So PATIENT
  • C-Style: Loves DETAILS

To take the DISC Styles a step further, I’ve borrowed a graphic from Extended DISC, Inc.

Dividing the square into quadrants, you see each corner represents a different style.

If we divide the square into horizontal halves – the top half with the D-Style and C-Style tends to focus more on tasks.The lower half with the I-Style and S-Style tends to focus more on people.

Then if you divide the square in half vertically, the left half shows the C-Style and S-Style. They tend to both have “slower motors”. They often walk slower, process slower, and live slower. While the right half is the D-Style and I-Style. They tend to have “faster motors”. They usually walk fast, think fast and act fast.

Granted, this is all extremely simplified. In future posts, we will go into much greater detail.  And I am designing an infographic for you depicting the Basics of the four DISC Styles. I hope it will give you something to refer to as we proceed through more of the DISC System components. My goal is to have it ready for you by next Tuesday’s blogpost. I think it will be an extremely helpful tool that each future book section will use. Please be watching for it!

QUESTION: Did you see yourself in any of the DISC Styles? Or did someone else you know well come to mind? Please let me know in the comment section below.


2021-02-01T16:17:31-07:00 December 1st, 2020|Categories: DISC Basics|Tags: |1 Comment

About the Author:

I am an orthodontic staffing specialist with over 30 years of experience. I help dental professionals hire and place ideal staff into their ideal places in the office as well as help individuals figure out their best job role based on their unique Style.

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