So What is the Big WHY?

//So What is the Big WHY?

So What is the Big WHY?

As we begin to tackle our goal to have a Fully Functioning Team in our office and to overcome the Villain of Turnover, I think it is extremely valuable to look at the Big WHY.

WHY should we give time and attention to learn how to put the Ideal Person in the Ideal Place?

Does it honestly make that much difference in our practices? Or in our lives?

Is it the “missing piece of the puzzle” that will yield both a life- and practice-changing profound effect?

Resoundingly – YES!!

Before we learned about putting the Ideal Person in the Ideal Place in our orthodontic office, we struggled to hire staff who could function in the roles where we needed them. It was like we had “pieces to the puzzle”, but they didn’t fit in the “puzzle holes”. So in addition to trying to manage our patient load – again, thanks to our two dentist friends who saved their patients for us – we were overwhelmed with the stress and challenge of hiring and keeping the best staff to help us.

(see the story of our dentist friends in my last blogpost)

Maybe you have struggled with this challenge and encountered this stress in your office. But I believe it is because you didn’t have the right tools – or understand how this Magic Key could unlock such excellent possibilities.

Maybe you are even now a bit skeptical that these Magic Key tools can make that much difference for you.

But trust me, I’ve been there and have learned through years of experience that these tools work… and work wonders. They are worth your time and attention for the difference they can make.

Benefits for the Office:

  • Accomplishing a Fully Functioning Team
  • Making it possible for each staff member to succeed in their roles
  • Providing staff members with job satisfaction – even “Job Joy”
  • Minimal turnover
  • Avoiding the stress and cost of rehiring and retraining
  • A pleasant office atmosphere
  • Much less stress on everyone

Benefits for Personal Life:

  • Better understanding of ourselves
  • Better understanding of those around us
  • Growth in communicating with and motivating others
  • Better understanding of how stress affects each of us
  • How different people choose to alleviate that stress

I invite you to give the few minutes needed each week to read my next blogpost. They will be posted each Tuesday morning on my website, 

Piece by piece, we will work through each step of learning the Magic Key tools, then pursue how to implement them in your office. I believe you will find that the difference they make in both your office and your life will be astounding.

QUESTION: Are you excited about the possibilities that can come with learning these Magic Key tools? Can you begin to picture some of the benefits – both for your office and your personal life? Please let me know in the comment section below.

2020-11-24T14:36:55-07:00 November 24th, 2020|Categories: Office Challenges|Tags: , , , |0 Comments

About the Author:

I am an orthodontic staffing specialist with over 30 years of experience. I help dental professionals hire and place ideal staff into their ideal places in the office as well as help individuals figure out their best job role based on their unique Style.

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