What Could Be More Renewing than a Neighborhood Get-together – for a High I-Style?

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What Could Be More Renewing than a Neighborhood Get-together – for a High I-Style?

I was thinking lately about the months of the “Stay at Home” season of dealing with COVID challenges. For this High I-Style who is renewed by fun and people time, I don’t think I realized the depth of the challenge this was to my well-being or how long it has taken me to recover.

One thing that got deleted from the schedule were my regular neighborhood get-togethers – an evening of hours of good food, good talk and lots of laughter. I would go home “soul-satisfied”, my cheeks sore from smiling and sharing together.

As a review, the High I-Style person tends to:

  • Be fun-loving, a “party looking for a place to happen”
  • Focus on people more than on tasks
  • Have a “faster speed motor”
  • Be more outgoing – an extrovert
  • Be very persuasive
  • Have a positive attitude – usually sees the jar half full
  • Have lots of enthusiasm

So what the High I-Style needs for self-renewal is FUN and PEOPLE TIME!

Possible activities that would renew an I-Style:

  • Volunteering to help a group of people with a project
  • Being involved in a book club that also thrived on social time
  • Having a neighborhood get-together
  • Inviting friends over to help with a house project, then sharing a meal together
  • Playing on a fun sports team
  • FaceTime with relatives or friends
  • Lunch out with a group on a regular basis
  • Being part of a hiking club, ball team or square dance group

But self-renewal can also get tricky:

For example – when my husband has been teaching all day, surrounded by people who need his attention (which is very draining for him), he just wants to come home to peace and quiet, have a good meal, and go outside and do yard work to renew himself. His wife, however, is renewed by people time. Usually, I’ve been by myself all day, writing and working, and am excited to spend time with people. So, as in most things in marriage or friendship, it requires some give and take and balance, as well as creative solutions.

Over the next couple weeks, we will look at what is Self-Renewing for the other 2 DISC Styles.

***If you would like a jumpstart or a review on learning about DISC Styles and Self-Renewal, please click here for my short but insightful $5 e-book, “It’s Time for Self-Renewal: How to Know the best Steps to Renew Yourself – DISC Style.

QUESTION: Do you know someone (maybe it’s you) who is renewed by Fun and People Time? I’d love to hear your thoughts and observations. Please share in the comment section below.

2024-01-22T16:31:38-07:00 January 23rd, 2024|Categories: DISC and Self-Renewal, DISC Basics|Tags: , |0 Comments

About the Author:

I am an orthodontic staffing specialist with over 30 years of experience. I help dental professionals hire and place ideal staff into their ideal places in the office as well as help individuals figure out their best job role based on their unique Style.

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