How Does a Details and Systems-loving Person Prefer to Communicate

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How Does a Details and Systems-loving Person Prefer to Communicate

Years ago, we built a facility – our home and our office in one building. As you can imagine, the details and decisions were relentless. We had an excellent architect as well as a fabulous builder who used top quality workmen. But the decisions came down to me and my husband. As a High D & C, his approach was to focus on the numbers and make the decision NOW. As a High I and S, and a visual person, my approach was to see the options on paper, to draw on the architect’s drawings, to look at options and carefully weigh our decisions before making them.

It became critical to understand and respectfully work with our separate Styles to end up with the facility that we wanted.

So let’s look at the High C- Style’s Communication tendencies.

But first, as a review, the High C-Style is:

  • Conscientious
  • Likes procedures
  • Focuses on tasks and details
  • Often doesn’t mind working alone
  • Precise
  • Systematic
  • Has a slower “motor” – walks slower, thinks and talks slower

How the C-Style Prefers to Communicate:

  • Sincere – they usually aren’t playing any games or using any drama – just straight forward and honest
  • Cautious – they don’t like to jump right into the discussion or a decision (unless they also have a strong D-Style)
  • Demand accuracy – this is of foremost importance and forms the basis of their communication
  • Discuss details – the accuracy is all in the details and the more these are discussed and understood, the better the communication will be

As a High I, when faced with relentless details and numbers, my brain shuts down, my eyes glaze over, and my decision-making skills become worthless. So we have had to learn how to put all those numbers and details into a visual format. I’ve learned I LOVE charts! They organize the details and numbers and make sense of them. And they certainly make it easier for me and my husband to clearly communicate and make decisions.

***NOTE: Speaking of my family – I’m taking off the next two weeks for Family Vacation (HOORAY!!). Some family is already here. More arrive this afternoon. There will be 16 of us together – from 74 years old to the ripe old age of 3 – so I will focus on feeding them, hiking with them, playing with them, and having a fabulous time together.

In August, we will first talk about the difference between a Direct Teller and a Persuasive Seller, then how each Style prefers others communicate with them. Also very insightful and helpful!

If you would like to know precisely what DISC Style you or those in your office or family are, please click here for more information on the online DISC Assessment.  In just 10 minutes, you can complete the online assessment and have a detailed report giving you insight into your Style and preferences.

QUESTION: Do you know if you have any High S-Style folks on your staff or in your family or with friends? Do they enjoy talking about details, numbers and systems? I’d love to hear your thoughts and observations. Please share in the comment section below.


2023-07-17T10:53:29-06:00 July 18th, 2023|Categories: DISC Basics, DISC and Communication|Tags: , |0 Comments

About the Author:

I am an orthodontic staffing specialist with over 30 years of experience. I help dental professionals hire and place ideal staff into their ideal places in the office as well as help individuals figure out their best job role based on their unique Style.

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