Guess How Many Extra Fun People Are Coming to Dinner Tonight?!

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Guess How Many Extra Fun People Are Coming to Dinner Tonight?!

When our children were growing up, we had our home and orthodontic office in the same building, the home on top of the office. Since our High I-Style daughter often had lots of extra fun-loving young people over, with lots of energy, my husband had to often call up to me to “stop the Elephant Stampede overhead!”

Then said Elephant Stampede would often stay around for hours until they could smell what I was cooking for supper. So I set extra places at the table and made supper stretch to be enough for all. I loved it!! And so did the Elephant Stampede. It was all especially renewing and fun for that High I-Style daughter.

This summer seems like a great time to write a series of blogposts on “Self-Renewal DISC-Style”. Through understanding the DISC System, and which DISC Styles we are, we can easily discern the best self-renewal actions to take that are guaranteed to restore us and give us our best life.

As a review, the High I-Style person tends to be:

  • A “party looking for a place to happen”
  • Fun-loving
  • Faster paced
  • Outgoing
  • People-focused
  • Enthusiastic
  • A very positive person – the glass is always half full

So what renews an I-Style person is: FUN and PEOPLE TIME!

Other possible activities that would renew an I-Style:

  • Volunteering to help a group of people with a project
  • Being involved in a book club that also thrived on social time
  • Having a neighborhood get-together
  • Inviting friends over to help with a house project, then sharing a meal together
  • FaceTime with relatives or friends
  • Lunch out with a group on a regular basis
  • Being part of a hiking club, ball team or square dance group

A warning: self-renewal can also get tricky. For example – as in the story above – I love a good Elephant Stampede and to have my house full of rambunctious teens. They can ALL stay for supper as often as they want! It is all renewing for me, another High I-Style!

But for my husband, the High D-Style who is renewed by physical activity, a house full of noisy extra people is not his idea of renewal. He prefers time outdoors gardening followed by a quiet meal. So, as in most things in marriage or friendship, it requires some give and take and balance, as well as creative solutions.

Bottom line – I want to encourage you to make self-renewal a daily habit that is planned into your routine. Your emotional well-being and best self is worth it! Over the next two weeks, we will cover the S-Style and the C-Style. If you want to see the Self-Renewal ideas for the D-Style, that was last week’s blogpost, “There is Nothing More Self-Renewing than Mowing the Yard!! Really?!”

QUESTION: If you fit the I-Style, or know someone who does, how does it help you to renew yourself with Fun and People Time? I’d love to hear your thoughts and observations. Please share in the comment section below.

P.S. If you would like to read more about activities that are renewing for each DISC Style, I’ve written a free e-book, “It’s Time for Self-Renewal: How to Know the Best Steps to Renew Yourself – DISC Style”. It covers what is most renewing for each DISC Style with extra suggested activities for more self-renewing habits. Just click on the button to download your copy!

YES! Send my copy of “It’s Time for Self-Renewal”!

2022-06-27T12:27:14-06:00 June 28th, 2022|Categories: DISC and Self-Renewal, DISC Basics|Tags: , , , |0 Comments

About the Author:

I am an orthodontic staffing specialist with over 30 years of experience. I help dental professionals hire and place ideal staff into their ideal places in the office as well as help individuals figure out their best job role based on their unique Style.

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