How Do You Solve a Problem Like Maria?!

/, DISC and Motivation/How Do You Solve a Problem Like Maria?!

How Do You Solve a Problem Like Maria?!

In a wonderful musical that has stood the test of time, “Sound of Music” focuses on a very high energy, enthusiastic young woman who is full of new ideas as a governess for her 7 charges. As the movie reveals, the main challenge with motivating this High I-Style is harnessing all that enthusiasm and getting it moving in the right direction.

We’ve all had that staff person in our office who constantly has a New Great Idea… but putting that idea into a workable form is often a challenge. Or they are so delighted to have time interacting and catching up with our patients, they often forget what they are supposed to do next for that patient’s orthodontics.

To review: the I-Style’s Basic Descriptors are:

  • Outgoing
  • Enthusiastic
  • Positive
  • Persuasive

This is the Party-Looking-For-a-Place-to-Happen person. And they usually have lots of energy to go with that positive attitude.

So what does an I-Style need to be and stay motivated:

  • Teamwork – these folks thrive on people time and work well in a group
  • Positive Environment – because they approach most things in such a positive manner, they fit right into this kind of environment
  • Recognition – it truly doesn’t have to be much – just a few words of acknowledgement and appreciation is enough
  • Opportunities – especially to try out the New Great Idea!

Then how is an I-Style de-motivated:

  • Isolation – please don’t put them back in the lab by themselves
  • Rejection – of them, their energy and enthusiasm, or their New Great Idea
  • To be unappreciated – to put out the effort without receiving any word of appreciation will “take the wind right out of their sails”
  • Harsh criticism – in fact, harsh anything will de-motivate and discourage them

I hope this gives you some concrete ideas on how to motivate your I-Style staff or family or friends as well as avoid those things that de-motivate them.

QUESTION: If you have some I-Style in you, do any of these Motivating or De-motivating factors ring true for you? I consistently hear back from students that it is uncanny how true and right on target these can be. I’d love to hear your thoughts and observations. Please share in the comment section below.

2021-07-12T22:50:41-06:00 July 13th, 2021|Categories: DISC Basics, DISC and Motivation|Tags: , , |0 Comments

About the Author:

I am an orthodontic staffing specialist with over 30 years of experience. I help dental professionals hire and place ideal staff into their ideal places in the office as well as help individuals figure out their best job role based on their unique Style.

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