Our Enormous Loss in Our Family Circle

//Our Enormous Loss in Our Family Circle

Our Enormous Loss in Our Family Circle

My apologies for interrupting our Hiring Process blog posts, but a member of our Family Circle passed on this past week. Indeed, we had an enormous loss in our family – my youngest brother’s wife passed on from FTD, Frontal Temporal Degeneration. It slowly steals someone’s mental capabilities, then their physical ones. It had been a long battle, but she is freed from it now and I know is rejoicing in Heaven.

I’m sure you are all aware of how brief our time on earth is… and that we have this one opportunity to make the best of that time.

For me, the foundation for making the best of that time is my personal relationship with Jesus. His faithfulness and Good Shepherd care are a rock strong foundation indeed. He is always there to walk us through each of life’s challenges and to equip us for those challenges.

One of the main tools that He led us to learn to use was the DISC. We started applying it in our orthodontic office to hire and place our staff in their ideal roles. Then we realized it could give us so much more understanding of our vastly different family members and how to better function together.

Now I have the opportunity to share what we learned and pass on those tools and how we used them. For several years, I’ve been sharing through teaching workshops to orthodontic residents. Then I realized that portions of those workshops could be very helpful to others. The little e-book, How to DISC Stress Goodbye for Good,  is an example of that goal.

There are other sections of the orthodontic workshop such as using the DISC to better communicate as well as to motivate others, as well as stress and time management. I’m looking forward to sharing these and putting together more e-books and workbooks. And next week, we’ll be back to Phase Two of the Hiring Process.

But for now, here’s to growing in our ability to make the best of our time here on earth, and to take advantage of every day that we have the joy of being part of our Family Circle.


2021-03-24T06:19:04-06:00 March 23rd, 2021|Categories: DISC and Stress|Tags: , |0 Comments

About the Author:

I am an orthodontic staffing specialist with over 30 years of experience. I help dental professionals hire and place ideal staff into their ideal places in the office as well as help individuals figure out their best job role based on their unique Style.

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