Can You Really Put Me On a Graph?!

//Can You Really Put Me On a Graph?!

Can You Really Put Me On a Graph?!

In our family, we tend to have very strong personalities. So my first response to learning about the DISC was that people were mostly just one Style; so if I got to know those four Basic Styles, I could understand most folks.

However, “flash of truth” – people are a LOT more complicated than that!!

As I pursued getting certified with Extended DISC, I learned in fact that:

  • Only 4% of the population has ONE strongest Style
  • But 60% of the population have THREE strongest Styles
  • While 36% of the population have TWO strongest Styles

I also learned that to make it easy to visualize, these relative strengths are marked on a graph:

Notice there is a midline through the center of the graph, and the dots are placed above or below it. The further away from that midline, the more or less intense that Style is in that person. In the High D illustration above, this person is a fairly intense D, with much less concentration in the other three Styles.

Illustrated below are the graphs of two actual people. I thoroughly enjoy showing this slide in my workshops and first asking the residents what they notice about these two graphs. Please take a minute to see if you notice as well.

YES! They are exact opposites of one another. Well – full disclosure – these graphs are for my husband (on the left) and me (on the right). Proof positive that opposites can attract.

We will use these types of graphs as we figure out what is the best Style combination for each role in our office. From there, we can discern where each staff person should be and what roles they should have.  Then it becomes obvious who we need to hire, and what that hiring process needs to include to bring us the exact person for the role we need.

It is an amazing system, with remarkable results, that leads to a Fully Functioning Team of people who are excited to come to work!

If you want to know your exact DISC Styles graph, please contact me: for information on how to get your DISC Assessment and accompanying consultation.

QUESTION: If you were to place your highest and lowest dots on each of the four basic Styles, where do you think you would put them? I’d love to hear your thoughts and observations. Please share with me in the comment section below.

2021-01-29T18:02:38-07:00 January 26th, 2021|Categories: DISC Basics|Tags: |0 Comments

About the Author:

I am an orthodontic staffing specialist with over 30 years of experience. I help dental professionals hire and place ideal staff into their ideal places in the office as well as help individuals figure out their best job role based on their unique Style.

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